Friday, February 29, 2008

babysitting with Jayden

So I've enjoyed my first week at work. I've had tons of reading to keep up with things and have even more to do. Mid week Dr Davids recommended a book that's been very helpful with the physical exams. I have so much to learn.... But I am excited to do it. I have to sit through hospital training and miss out on clinic on Monday and Tuesday. I am still praying for my old bosses to sign off on my reference letters and get them to the board. Their secretary said I should get them on Monday or Tuesday -- please pray that they finish this. I've been bugging them for about a month to get that in...

But tonight I spent some time with Jayden and gave Janelle & Josie a chance to go out to eat to dinner together. Probably one of their last dates before baby girl Wilder arrives in 2 weeks. Jayden and I had a blast together. I can't believe how talkative he is getting. He went to saying up and Mama and Dada to a huge vocabulary. He is growing up so fast. Check him out and they are doing a great job teaching him to clean up after himself...

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