Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My reflective fall object lesson..

The sheer beauty of fall. It catches me in moments of awe at His excellent creativity and color. I haven't taken time to wonder in His design this year until today. I delayed it with busyness, but today I got off work an hour early and decided to take a moment for enjoyment. I had to share in the wonders of His hands.

It still amazes me that God creates these images for our pleasure and for His glory each year for but a few solitary moments or days. If He has the power and creativity to do that in nature -- what kind of creativity does He use for my daily life and the work He wants to do in it every day... And I love the object lessons we can learn from taking moments to stand in awe of His order and design...

Have you ever taken a look at your life and thought -- I'm not like everyone else my age or in my association... I should change -- maybe not-- sometimes God uses our differences to make us dependent on Him for guidance and to show the beauty of His variety...

Or,, have you ever gotten self conscience of your spots -- you pain or your weaknesses or your mistakes or your failures in life... - ever wanted to hide that part of your life from others.... I have... But that too can add to your beauty and your individuality and at times God uses it to hightlight things - sometimes right before a big change... are you ready to be used?

The pain of change can be beauty in and of itself to someone else. At times we experience the pain and try to run or hide, but the beauty of our vulnerability is the strength from Our Redemeer

And isn't it interesting that we at times feel stripped of those around us to support us. And yet my Creator is still in control and gives us the strength to hold on...He has a perfect time for each of us.

And then there are times when we feel the blessing of His hands in our life. We are overwelmed daily with the things He provides for us. And amazed by the beauty in the life He shares with us.. He gives us bouquets of beauty... like these bouquets of color...

Our Father is such an amazing God. He loves us deeply and creates things for our pleasure. Thank you Father for our beautiful moments in your hands and in this life you have given us. You amaze me!!!!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Salsa Halloween




So it is fun to dress up at times and hang out with friends...

Here are some more pics-click here and for the party pics -click here

Trick or treat




I got to see the joy of children last night. Finding out they can ask for and recieve and thank their friends and neighbors for candy while dressing up like their favorite character. It was a nice evening to walk and chat with Janelle, Josie, their friends Alyice and her husband Justin and their two boys--Sammy, Jonah, Josie's mother and his two cousins. Its was a great night for a walk. The temperature was great and it was fun chatting with Alyce and Justin who I would consider to be quality people. I enjoy time with quality people who are stable and enjoying their walk with God in a daily way. There is something comforting and encouraging about being around people that are secure and stable. Hope you had a great time with your friends and family.
Click here for more pics

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