Saturday, June 19, 2010

Loving life at the beach.

This weekend I went to Hilton Head Island. What a great get away and refreshing time doing the things I love. Watching the sunset, taking pictures, watching a lightening storm blow onto the beach, wind in my hair, sand between my toes, salt on my lips and sun on my back, hours of swimming, fresh fruit, cold drinks to chase away the salt and heat, time relaxing with my feet up people watching, time reading a book, time laughing, and nature watching. I really have had so many of my favorite moments in the last two days that I feel like a new person. I need to remember its worth it to run out of town even for the weekend to have fun and new experiences. A few pics

Life truly is great at the beach. We've had great weather all weekend and have been blessed. Time to head home tomorrow but what to do before that? Hmmm haven't decided yet. Should be fun :)

Monday, June 07, 2010

My beautiful day off.

My day off. Here are a few pics. I had a great day off today. It was beautiful. I got a chance to get organized a little then decided to go for a hike. Since it was already noon I couldn't go far so I decided to hit Paris Mountain State Park. It was beautiful and I enjoyed just getting out on the trail with my camera. Then was able to make it back pick up groceries and go for a walk at the Park with Donna. It was such a beautiful day and great to decrease my stress. Click here for a link to the pictures.

Saturday, June 05, 2010


What is time...
Today I spent time praying, time working, time drinking coffee, time eating and time chatting while laying in the sun by the pool.

Sometimes I take time and plan every last minute.... today was a reminder that the most enjoyable moments are those left with no planning.

Its amazing how a few minutes in the sun can revive you.