Friday, January 25, 2008

It's official..... I am blessed!

Okay, the last blog I hinted at something while saying God has opened up a door for me. Its now official so I can explain.... I got a new job!!! In Greenville, SC!!!
Okay so for those who know the details I decided to break it down so you can skim what info you want... I am going to share details to explain how God has provided for every little detail.. I feel like a princess who does what she is suppose to and things are working out so smoothly for me.

Background info. My younger sister lives in Greenville with her husband and son and is due to deliver her daughter in mid March. I have been going to Greenville for a year and a half to go to my church down there and became a member a year ago.

Since December 2006 I felt like God was promising to open up doors to move me to Greenville and to introduce me to special people in my life (including my future husband -- okay so let me say I wouldn't normally say that but I am learning to speak God's promises so that when He answers those promises He gets the praise). I told some close family and friends that I felt he was promising to have me working and living in Greenville by the end of February or beginning of March 2008.... Fast forward....
Decemeber 2008... I spent the summer mailing out resumes and tracking any future jobs that would follow my prayer requests for a healthy lifestyle (weekday hours without holidays and weekends -- very rare to find in medicine) By December my anxiety was climbing... I had been doing everything I could to make contacts for jobs and interviewed for one only to be disappointed with the job situation and salary offer. Nothing I did was working. And I began to struggle to have faith for God to follow through with His promise. I admit I am still weak. But still speaking and praying for it as much as I could. I knew that it would probably take about 2 months to get my South Carolina license and I calculated that I needed a job offer with a physician's signature to even start the process. So I had calculated that I needed a job offer by the end of December. I again sent out about 70 cover letters and resumes. Still no response. December 31st came and I grieved my lack of knowledge about what God was going to do in the upcoming year and questioned if I was hearing God's voice correctly....but God filled me with a peace that night that He had things in hand and made me wander how.

ENTER GOD'S HAND... One of my drives to Greenville one day I heard a message on Faith. And the pastor challenged people to spend time recalling what God has done for you in the past to help you build your faith for future things. Since that was were I was struggling I heard it deep in my spirit. And I remembered that the last time I had searched for a job God did it at the last possible second and gave me direction to apply for the right position and opened the job and offer and sold my house within a week of it being on the market. All things on a much faster time table than normal and I felt a sudden revelation -- God can work things out much faster than the world's typical time expectation. And He has waited to do that with me in the past to put me in a place of sheer desperation and dependence on Him.-- One reason it forces me to grow in my Faith and Second -- He gets the glory. I felt like He was wanting me to remember that. That same week I was doing one of my daily web searches for a job and I saw a position at Shriner Hospital working for a pediatric orthopedic group in Greenville. I emailed the HR person my resume on Friday January 4th. I left him a voice mail requesting some further info on Saturday. Monday the 7th he called me back and let me know he forwarded it to the physicians but that it may be another week until I heard further from them and they would interview for a week or two probably before making a decision. My heart was hopeful, but I started calculating and still could notnlogistically see how this job would fit God's promised time frame. That same afternoon, I recieved a call requesting to arrange an interview. I interviewed on January 9th, for the position and requested if they were interested in hiring me to allow me to observe in clinic one day. They called me on January 10th to try to arrange for me to observe in clinic the following Tuesday. (Just to explain -- I was scheduled to be off work for the interview so I could do it easily without raising any questions, but I was scheduled to work Tuesday, Jan 15th) I prayed about it and called the other PA to request the first half of my day off on Tuesday and prayed he wouldn't ask for details. -- He was willing and didn't ask for details. So I went to clinic on Tuesday. I really enjoyed meeting yet another physician and thought I would enjoy the job. Now I was getting excited. They seemed genuinely interested in me and it was a Mon-Friday job - no weekends, no holidays right in the middle of Greenville. Working with kids with special needs in a setting where all the medical expenses are covered by the Shriners group. I prayed to hear a job offer by Friday even though I knew they were still interviewing others. Thursday night around 5:45 pm on January 17th I got the job offer. I accepted the offer and was blessed that I had the following week off to make arranging all the paperwork needed to get my hospital priveledges and state license in order as well as get my health screen and drug test and meeting with the HR department underway. Still while remaining confidential because I didn't have a start date and didn't want to reveal things to my current job. I was down there daily this week. While down there I started looking into apartments this week still praying for early March for a start date. Thursday, January 24th while in the new office, my new boss announced that they can hire me to start immediately since they want time to have me observe and educate me about all the specialty care that they provide-- prior to getting my license. So I told him I need to give my current job 3-4 weeks notice..... Guess what that means?... I can start the last week in February..... GOD DOES FOLLOW THROUGH ON HIS PROMISES... So thankfully I had checked out several apartments already since I wanted to move in before I start. I put in my application for an apartment today to start to move February 16th. I also arranged to meet with a realtor to help sell my house for next Saturday. I have spent this week trying to furiously pack and paint downstairs to get this house ready to sell it. I still need to finish painting and have tons of packing. But as God has answered all my requests to this point. I have enlarged my faith and am praying for my house to get a contract within a very short time (I am praying and beliving for the impossible in a difficult market -- to get a contract within the first 2-3 weeks of being on the market). I am also praying to finish painting this week (while continuing to work 10-12 hour days) and to get a chance to get organized with the stuff I want to give away. An exhausting task. Tonight I stopped and got tons of free boxes from Barnes and Noble-- thanks to the friendly employee who said I could help myself. I love it when God arranges things for free-- even the little things like boxes. (having moved in the past I've learned to ask and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't I checked two places and got tons at Barnes and Noble. And I am also praying for assistance with a move. So anyone who wants to come out and help move the weekend of February 16-17th please let me know -- the more the merrier -- and the more the easier.

Okay so I am excited, and blessed and glowing with excitement and anticipation to see how God will take care of each of the future details. But I just had to testify to God's amazing hand of provision and to acknowledge that HE HAD TO DO IT. Because when was the last time you have heard someone get a job offer within 2 weeks of applying and offer to start within 4 weeks of applying. Let me tell you, in the medical world that is unheard of. How crazy and wonderful it is to be a child of God.


Anonymous said...

Okay, first of all, I'm exhausted after just reading your post! You sound incredibly busy. Congratulations!!! I'm so happy that God has worked out all these big and little things for your life. J3 will LOVE having you so much closer.

Kristy said...

Wow. What an awesome testimony! Thanks for sharing it. It such a good reminder of how our Father is so into the "details" of our life. I am so excited for you as you begin this new chapter! And I am believing with you for your house to sell quickly!

Christin said...

Oh. My. Goodness. That is amazing news!!! yay!