Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I looked up the definition destiny today. It was defined as "an event (or a course of events) that will inevitably happen in the future". I've often wandered what my destiny is. I know what my destiny is, I guess what I've wondered about, is, what will happen in the near future. I know that my destiny is with my Father in Heaven. And I am thankful that my grandfather's destiny is there also. One thing that struck me was a memory my Uncle Lynn shared at the viewing with us. He reminded us that Grandpa would end prayers with something like "...and when our work here on earth is done, bring us all home to You without the loss of even one. Amen" I am thankful that despite our failures and the sins that have hurt us in our families that God's presence has existed. And I am thankful for the legacy that Grandfather and God did inspire in his children and grandchildren. To know God. If I didn't have a working knowledge of God's love I don't know how I would get through the ups and downs in life.

Some days I wander what course of events are in my future towards my destiny? When I was a child I would wander "Why does life have to change?" I always strugged to want change when things were just getting good at a social or work setting and having to start in a new setting -- a new school, or job, or city. Why did things have to change? I would wonder when I had a trial, like -- when a young boy I knew was killed, when I had to work with ladies who gossiped about me behind your back, when I had to change adult diapers for a job, when I had a miscarriage, when my dreams of a perfect marriage dissolved into a divorce, when I watched young people die or worse yet be forced to live in a body of shell kept alive by grieving family and machines. At times I still question why life has to change, but have come to accept that it does. Recently I started reading a book called the richest man who ever lived. It is about King Solomon's life. It challenged me to consider what visions and hope I have for the future. And to consider breaking down the vision into steps. These are steps of change to bring about your vision. It was a good time to remind me to be proactive about pursuing my future....

Here are some pics of the funeral

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