Friday, April 06, 2007

Learning to sail

Sailing.... Ah to experience her heeling in the wind,learning how to cooperate with the wind and her sails; with the sun setting behind us; the ocean in front; and time controlled by the wind (not by any time table I can manipulate or be manipulated or ordered by). This is truly the life. There is no freedom to standing on the bow with the wind on your face and color dancing across the sky as the sun slips beneath the horizon. Chosing where you go and when. I am in love with sailing -- IT was AWESOME !! Not to say that I am a natural -- I have so much to learn, but I can't wait to get out there and be challenged again. I love rising to a challenge. And the sea is full of them. Now I understand the draw others describe. So I am praying to meet safe friends with sail boats to get more experience. I get to go back in a few more weeks to practice a 3 day live on board excursion. I can't wait. I am counting the days of work in between. After that I don't know, but I am praying for more opportunities this summer...