Saturday, September 09, 2006

Rain Rain ....

Apparently there is no such thing as too much rain these days... So if you can't fight it love it. The other night I took Dassah (my dog) for a walk. As I stepped out the door it started to rain. I fought the overwhelming squirming dog to duck back in and get a hoody and off we went. Once you promise Dassah a walk there is no getting out of it. So down the lane to the garden to pick a few tomatoes and onto the road to the nearby stream. Dassah ran around the stream with such excitement being off the leash. I threw a tennis ball to her which promptly sank never to be found again in the current of the stream. As I waded in... What else could happen -- you got it. My foot felt nothing beneath it, only to sink into water up to my butt. Since its been raining the water level was about a foot higher than normal. After recovering from the shock of the cold water I burst out laughing. This promptly stirred Dassah to run and jump on me almost knocking me over. As I struggled for balance, breath to stop laughing and battling Dassahs sticky tongue I had to smile. Only in this wonderful world full of adventures can so much go wrong and be so funny. Thank God for rainy days to ground us to the humor of life

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

So if the water went up to your butt the river must have been about 1 foot deep right ;-).

I think it would have been funnier if Dassah knocked you in.. hehe :)

Hope things are going well down there.

We miss you bunches! You will have to come up and see us soon.