Friday, December 28, 2007
Salsa is so much fun....
Have I mentioned that I have become addicted to salsa? So I still am having a blast and can't wait to learn more. If you would like to see some of the fun. Check out the link for some pictures from Bongos last night. Susan brought a cake and candles to celebrate Milton's birthday from earlier this week. And he got the typical salsa birthday dance. (The girls circle around him and take turns to dance with him during a song). We had a great turn out and it was great to see some show up who haven't been there in a while. There were still many others missing -- probably due to holidays. But we did get several new faces as well. Its great to hear new people coming. A few of us are going to Atlanta on Saturday for some workshops and a social dance -- I can't wait -they have awesome dancers there. Here are some pics
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas
I pray that God bless each of you with a new awareness of the love that God has for YOU – EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU. He desires to be able to speak with each of you so much that He sacrificed a part of himself – his son – to come and live far from him and bear the weight of our sins and failures and insecurities that have kept us separated from him. And now we can celebrate in the joy of being able to communicate directly with Him. And may we all be startled once again with the special knowledge of how precious we each are to Him and how amazing and huge His love is for us….
May the true spirit of Christmas be real to you tonight….
I pray that God bless each of you with a new awareness of the love that God has for YOU – EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU. He desires to be able to speak with each of you so much that He sacrificed a part of himself – his son – to come and live far from him and bear the weight of our sins and failures and insecurities that have kept us separated from him. And now we can celebrate in the joy of being able to communicate directly with Him. And may we all be startled once again with the special knowledge of how precious we each are to Him and how amazing and huge His love is for us….
May the true spirit of Christmas be real to you tonight….
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas in the Carolinas

We had Christmas this weekend with my parents and sisters families. Unfortunately my brother and his family didn't make it. :( We still had a great time eating, cooking, opening gifts, taking pictures & playing games together. Mom and Dad drove in as did Kristin & Matt. They got in on Friday and enjoyed hitting a favorite Thai restaurant in downtown Greenville.. unfortunately I missed out having to work. But I got off early at 6:30-- Praise God and made it to Greenville by 7:45.
Saturday we got to open presents -- big ones

funny ones (like the tickle me Elmo from Mom to Jayden)

small ones

We had great meals. We all jumped into help... from preperation and eating

to clean up afterwards... even Jayden jumped into the middle of the mix to enjoy in the socializing

And then we got to go to church at Redemption on Sunday morning together. The Wilder's stayed home as Jayden has been fighting a viral Upper Respiratory infection. Ron talked about being in the right environment to live to our fullest potential. And that God will open up the doors and provide us with what we need to be in the environment that He has designed for us. I believe that He will provide for my environment in the near future too-- Thank you God for knowing what we need before we even know it.
Sunday night Matt & Kristin came and visited me at my cabin in the woods. We chatted til late -- like I do every time I am visiting with loved ones. It was fun to show them the house. If you would like to see more pics look no further
I took a picture of me in front of my tree at the house

Thursday, December 13, 2007
"Thats the way she always eats!!!!
When is the last time you made a face like this for fun?
This week Tim, Lindsay & Sammy have been visiting. We've had fun making new recipes for meatloaf with carrots, sick as sin if you eat it chocolate cake, quiche -- one tomato and fungus infested (as Lindsay described it) and one broccoli & sausage (chicken sausage -- trying to cook in a healthy way to balance out that chocolate cake), & orange and rosemary chicken, spicy rosemary shrimp, twiced baked potatoes to name a few. Since Trevor has the two oldest kids while Kendra is in Florida for her grandfather's funeral with her mother and youngest child Kyrie, the remaining Foskey's have been stopping by to hang out and have dinner with us each evening. Its been fun.
The other night as I broke out the chocolate cake, Olivia (2 year old) became coated in chocolate within about a minute and Trevor chose to remove her dress to have something clean to wear home. And Asher, her 4 yo old brother, found it confusing that we were laughing at his clear intentions -- easier clean up. And trying to explain it to us... loudly announces "That's the way she always eats". Which just made us adults laugh all the harder. Life through the eyes of a child is always so interesting.
Now you see why she is easier to dress after she has eaten....
The spicy rosemary shrimp was a good dish -but super spicy -- maybe thats because I couldn't find red pepper flakes in the normal spice section but found them in the Mexican/Spanish spice section of the storen -- we had to revert to eating the twice baked potatoes, drinking milk or eating an apple...
Asher did a great job eating 3 servings of his broccoli but didn't care for the spicy shrimp. He did enjoy the ice cream.
Tipsy figured out where to hover under the table for dropped scraps -- the two year old who often dropped little tidbits on the bench or on the floor.
Monday, December 03, 2007
bragging about my nephew.... and praising God
I can't get over my cute little nephew who is growing into a handsome little toddler. So I thought I would catch you up on the activity of this little one. I took a few pictures a week ago. He just doesn't stay still these days.

He is so much fun to take pictures of...

He is walking and starting to do that run and catch me moves.

Say cheese... or just bring out the camera and he knows what to do...

And he loves to be held and loved ...

I spent some time with him this weekend on Friday evening and Saturday afternoon. And he warmed up to me again. He has me wrapped around his little finger. All he has to do is run to me with his arms out to hug me goodbye, purse his lips and fall into my face with his kiss. Then back up and scrunch his hand open and close and say bye bye and blow kisses to me. That melts my heart like nothing else can. And my heart melts now just recalling it. I can't help but be proud of my sis and brother in law in the way they encourage their son to develop in a creative, learning and loving environment.
And feel blessed to have a loving family who care and want to stay connected despite the thousands of miles between us from PA to LA. Problems and all we still are a family. And I am blessed to have a brother and two sisters to turn to to pray with, get sound advice from, laugh with and grow with. And I find that I am amazed with where I am these days. God is still developing me into the loving beautiful well rounded woman that He has created me to be. And daily, I am curious to discover more about who I am and to explore life with God and those in my life. I ask for those to pray this week for a special offer from the interview I had in Greenville. And I thank Him in advance for his blessings and for all He continues to amaze me in how He provides for all my needs. And I praise Him for the perfect job, perfect hours, good income, housing arrangements, networks of good friends, church family and personal relationships.
He is so much fun to take pictures of...
He is walking and starting to do that run and catch me moves.
Say cheese... or just bring out the camera and he knows what to do...
And he loves to be held and loved ...
I spent some time with him this weekend on Friday evening and Saturday afternoon. And he warmed up to me again. He has me wrapped around his little finger. All he has to do is run to me with his arms out to hug me goodbye, purse his lips and fall into my face with his kiss. Then back up and scrunch his hand open and close and say bye bye and blow kisses to me. That melts my heart like nothing else can. And my heart melts now just recalling it. I can't help but be proud of my sis and brother in law in the way they encourage their son to develop in a creative, learning and loving environment.
And feel blessed to have a loving family who care and want to stay connected despite the thousands of miles between us from PA to LA. Problems and all we still are a family. And I am blessed to have a brother and two sisters to turn to to pray with, get sound advice from, laugh with and grow with. And I find that I am amazed with where I am these days. God is still developing me into the loving beautiful well rounded woman that He has created me to be. And daily, I am curious to discover more about who I am and to explore life with God and those in my life. I ask for those to pray this week for a special offer from the interview I had in Greenville. And I thank Him in advance for his blessings and for all He continues to amaze me in how He provides for all my needs. And I praise Him for the perfect job, perfect hours, good income, housing arrangements, networks of good friends, church family and personal relationships.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thanksgiving in the Carolinas...
This picture is from a random moment stopped to enjoy the beauty of color last week. I just had to show you the glory of God that I got a chance to enjoy.
This was my first taste of sweet potatoe pie, made by Myrana, everyone liked it...
My holiday feast provided and shared with co-workers.
I experienced my first Thanksgiving in the Carolinas.
Last year I did the road marathon to visit friends & family in VA, MD & PA which was wonderful, busy and the first time I've participated in so many Thanksgiving meals in one extended weekend.
This year I took my turn, on duty in the ED. It was steady for the first half of the day but slow in the afternoon.
Our charge nurse got organized and had everyone sign up to bring in different food to have a holiday meal here. He made turkey and sliced it up nicely for everyone. At his request I cooked ham and made a pumpkin pie. (Side note: Let me tell you -- those plastic baking bags that you can cook a turkey in -- they work well for throwing a ham in and baking it. I was able to throw the ham in the oven and go back to sleep for another hour. :) A great thing since I got off late last night and then went to the gym and got home around midnight & had trouble falling asleep last night.)
We had a variety of foods -- turkey, spiral sliced ham, mac&cheese, mashed potatoes, greenbean casserole, fruit tray, bread, italian wedding soup, cranberry sauce, and for desert pumpkin pie, sweet potatoe pie and a bundt cake.
I have never eaten sweet potatoe pie before. I think it tends to be a tradition of the south. Recently I was talking with someone who said that sweet potatoes pies and casseroles were a must have tradition as part of the southern Thanksgiving. I tried a piece and it was fabulous --It was very moist and lots of the same flavors of pumpkin pie. And I had to laugh that it was one of our registration girls, Myrana who made it for us. She moved from Ecuador last year and knows how to make this southern dish already and I don't. She did an excellent job so I asked a few questions.
Now I can say I have experienced a traditional southern/ Carolina Thanksgiving -- sweet potatoe pie and all...
I pray God blessed you all with special moments and good food today & safe traveling for all those on the roads and in the air.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Top Ten list for a better holiday
Its time for the Holidays... I figured why not continue my previous year tradition of sharing my lessons observed in the ED for a better holiday experience.
Top Ten list for a better holiday
#1 Wash your hands often and especially before that special family meal or food prep- you don't know where those friends and family hands have been -- wiping kids noses or scratching skin coated with MRSA (okay I had to throw in that word :) to spread more paranoia - You all must realize by now that we almost all have probably been exposed by this point)-- But seriously -- wash with water and soap but the key is the friction of the rubbing the hands together for 20 seconds or so.
#2 Avoid unnecessary cuts ----Stop opening cans with knifes or fingers -- what is it with trying to use hand held can openers that don't work completely so I will try to pry it open.... (famous last words let me tell you)
#3 Drink more water -- it helps you stay hydrated while traveling -helps give you energy to deal with additional stress and helps your immune system fight new germs and may help avoid hangovers for those who dip into alcohol
#4 Don't leave the turkey thaw on the counter or in the sink and please please please refrigerate left overs-- let me introduce the concept of food poisoning and not leaving the bathroom for the next 24-48 hours... enough said.
#5 Watch out for the pranksters... there's always one funny one in the group -- make sure the chair is there before you sit etc...
#6 Watch for uneven pavement and unexpected steps in homes while visiting family or friends especially when our parents and grandparents may be around and need more help with stability-- they have a way of jumping up and knocking people down
#7 Be careful if children are visiting homes with dogs that they are monitored as old dogs may not tolerate tails being pulled or untrained dogs may not tolerate children near their toys or food. A dog bite is traumatizing to everyone involved.
#8 Remember to plan for time to kick back and have some quality time with friends and family. These are opportunities to build relationships and memories -let go of little things and use your time wisely. Love your friends and family and chose to use this time to "Encourage one another daily"
#9 If you get talked into the traditional family games such as basketball or football -- remember to have fun -- but warm up and stretch to avoid injuries.
#10 Take time to thank God for the good things in life (you can always find bad things but I think everyone can find at least one good thing and its amazing how focusing on the positive can change your attitude and stress level -- Like -- Thank God I have a job (despite the fact I have to work Thanksgiving). Thank God I have friends who take pity on me and bring me food and co workers who creatively plan ahead to share our own holdiay meal.
-- And my prayer is that you all have a great Holiday season and it does not involve visits to the ED.
Top Ten list for a better holiday
#1 Wash your hands often and especially before that special family meal or food prep- you don't know where those friends and family hands have been -- wiping kids noses or scratching skin coated with MRSA (okay I had to throw in that word :) to spread more paranoia - You all must realize by now that we almost all have probably been exposed by this point)-- But seriously -- wash with water and soap but the key is the friction of the rubbing the hands together for 20 seconds or so.
#2 Avoid unnecessary cuts ----Stop opening cans with knifes or fingers -- what is it with trying to use hand held can openers that don't work completely so I will try to pry it open.... (famous last words let me tell you)
#3 Drink more water -- it helps you stay hydrated while traveling -helps give you energy to deal with additional stress and helps your immune system fight new germs and may help avoid hangovers for those who dip into alcohol
#4 Don't leave the turkey thaw on the counter or in the sink and please please please refrigerate left overs-- let me introduce the concept of food poisoning and not leaving the bathroom for the next 24-48 hours... enough said.
#5 Watch out for the pranksters... there's always one funny one in the group -- make sure the chair is there before you sit etc...
#6 Watch for uneven pavement and unexpected steps in homes while visiting family or friends especially when our parents and grandparents may be around and need more help with stability-- they have a way of jumping up and knocking people down
#7 Be careful if children are visiting homes with dogs that they are monitored as old dogs may not tolerate tails being pulled or untrained dogs may not tolerate children near their toys or food. A dog bite is traumatizing to everyone involved.
#8 Remember to plan for time to kick back and have some quality time with friends and family. These are opportunities to build relationships and memories -let go of little things and use your time wisely. Love your friends and family and chose to use this time to "Encourage one another daily"
#9 If you get talked into the traditional family games such as basketball or football -- remember to have fun -- but warm up and stretch to avoid injuries.
#10 Take time to thank God for the good things in life (you can always find bad things but I think everyone can find at least one good thing and its amazing how focusing on the positive can change your attitude and stress level -- Like -- Thank God I have a job (despite the fact I have to work Thanksgiving). Thank God I have friends who take pity on me and bring me food and co workers who creatively plan ahead to share our own holdiay meal.
-- And my prayer is that you all have a great Holiday season and it does not involve visits to the ED.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Whether to come...or Whether to go ... Weather for sun .. or ... Weather for snow.
I SEE SNOW!!!!!!
Flurries that is.
Weird... considering I was sweating in a tank top while weed wacking and raking leaves just yesterday. The temperature was in the 70s yesterday. At least this year I learned to clean out my gutters before it froze.
It feels like winter....
Flurries that is.
Weird... considering I was sweating in a tank top while weed wacking and raking leaves just yesterday. The temperature was in the 70s yesterday. At least this year I learned to clean out my gutters before it froze.
It feels like winter....
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Where can wisdom be found?
Last night I was praying for guidance. I really want to have the ability to know the future and therefore make wiser decisions when it comes to life... But little do I really comprehend that burden. Instead God guided me to pray for specific guidance and for me to come to him for each of the decisions in my life. And gave me peace that He would provide me guidance at the times when I need it most. And to trust him when I don't know what to do. He is faithful in all ways. He can recover any lost ground and lost opportunities when He desires it.
Today I was scanning some verses on Bible gateway at work. I was filled with annoyance at a patient who was not faithful in taking meds prescribed to them. They even had the meds in their possession that would probably cure their ailments. What do they not understand about that?
It made me reflect back on my life. How often do I make decisions that do not help me? And how often do I forget to go back to my resources (the scripture) highly available in my own life. The Word that brings life. When I am searching for wisdom why not go to what God has already given me?.... Maybe I am more like that patient than I wish to be. "There but for the grace of God go I" was a fitting statement. And as I looked I found this beautiful scripture.
May it encourage you as it did me.
Job 28: 12-28
"But where can wisdom be found?
Where does understanding dwell?
13 Man does not comprehend its worth;
it cannot be found in the land of the living.
14 The deep says, 'It is not in me';
the sea says, 'It is not with me.'
15 It cannot be bought with the finest gold,
nor can its price be weighed in silver.
16 It cannot be bought with the gold of Ophir,
with precious onyx or sapphires.
17 Neither gold nor crystal can compare with it,
nor can it be had for jewels of gold.
18 Coral and jasper are not worthy of mention;
the price of wisdom is beyond rubies.
19 The topaz of Cush cannot compare with it;
it cannot be bought with pure gold.
20 "Where then does wisdom come from?
Where does understanding dwell?
21 It is hidden from the eyes of every living thing,
concealed even from the birds of the air.
22 Destruction [c] and Death say,
'Only a rumor of it has reached our ears.'
23 God understands the way to it
and he alone knows where it dwells,
24 for he views the ends of the earth
and sees everything under the heavens.
25 When he established the force of the wind
and measured out the waters,
26 when he made a decree for the rain
and a path for the thunderstorm,
27 then he looked at wisdom and appraised it;
he confirmed it and tested it.
28 And he said to man,
'The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom,
and to shun evil is understanding.' "
Today I was scanning some verses on Bible gateway at work. I was filled with annoyance at a patient who was not faithful in taking meds prescribed to them. They even had the meds in their possession that would probably cure their ailments. What do they not understand about that?
It made me reflect back on my life. How often do I make decisions that do not help me? And how often do I forget to go back to my resources (the scripture) highly available in my own life. The Word that brings life. When I am searching for wisdom why not go to what God has already given me?.... Maybe I am more like that patient than I wish to be. "There but for the grace of God go I" was a fitting statement. And as I looked I found this beautiful scripture.
May it encourage you as it did me.
Job 28: 12-28
"But where can wisdom be found?
Where does understanding dwell?
13 Man does not comprehend its worth;
it cannot be found in the land of the living.
14 The deep says, 'It is not in me';
the sea says, 'It is not with me.'
15 It cannot be bought with the finest gold,
nor can its price be weighed in silver.
16 It cannot be bought with the gold of Ophir,
with precious onyx or sapphires.
17 Neither gold nor crystal can compare with it,
nor can it be had for jewels of gold.
18 Coral and jasper are not worthy of mention;
the price of wisdom is beyond rubies.
19 The topaz of Cush cannot compare with it;
it cannot be bought with pure gold.
20 "Where then does wisdom come from?
Where does understanding dwell?
21 It is hidden from the eyes of every living thing,
concealed even from the birds of the air.
22 Destruction [c] and Death say,
'Only a rumor of it has reached our ears.'
23 God understands the way to it
and he alone knows where it dwells,
24 for he views the ends of the earth
and sees everything under the heavens.
25 When he established the force of the wind
and measured out the waters,
26 when he made a decree for the rain
and a path for the thunderstorm,
27 then he looked at wisdom and appraised it;
he confirmed it and tested it.
28 And he said to man,
'The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom,
and to shun evil is understanding.' "
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Saturday Night at Clave Brothers Party
Clave brothers Nakia & Milton hosted a Halloween Costume party in Simpsonville Saturday night. It was amazing the quality, variety & quantity of costumes. From dancers, police women, nurses & demons, grim reapers and nuns, french maids & prisoners, from Disney to Renaissance. You think of it, you could find it, in the room.
I really enjoyed getting time to chat and get to know people. Many of which I see regularly at Eastside & may have danced with, but never got the time to get to know. I enjoyed how many people were willing to mix outside of their typical circles to get to know others. And it was interesting to see the wide geographical patterns from Simpsonville to Spartanburg from Inman to Tryon to Hendersonville.
And everyone was kicking back & relaxing and enjoying hanging out. Food & drinks for all. The house was laid out perfectly to allow people to circulate. And of course I enjoyed catching shots of the many people there. Take a look at the fun photos. If anyone wants me to make a copy or email them one just let me know...
Friday, October 26, 2007
Haloween Salseros
Costumes are fun... It's fun to see the creative sides of our natures. For some the masks are applied before they will share another dimension of their creativity, while for others the masks come off and the bravado is flashed. What I enjoy most ... celebrating the individuality that exists for those few moments in costume.
One interesting thing to attempt is to wear a costume while dancing. There are difficult challenges -- headdresses requiring further reaches, shoes or boots that are difficult to dance in, or ears that fall off during turns.
During this years contest the top six -- construction works, dracula, geisha girl, Carmen Miranda, Carlos the free gynecologist and the pineapple lady. The winner of the night was Alex the Dracula. Check out the fun pics from the evening. Click here
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Jayden's Birthday
Jayden's first birthday appeared to be a success. :) Janelle did a beautiful job decorating. Tons of family and friends showed up to watch and share in the celebration. Janelle used a theme of ducks and now Jayden has several stuffed animals- including ducks that quack,dogs and cats as well as a few puppets. He has his own leap frog laptop and elmo phone, several puzzles and tons of books- several with noise squares to push, two riding toys, two tonka dump trucks Jayden liked to turn into riding toys, blocks, several cute outfits, some baby einstein videos, duck slippers, tadoodles, a basketball hoop to name a few.... There was tons of food. It was nice to see so many come out to celebrate. And several other children who played well with Jayden. Jayden did well and I am sure is blessed by everyones generosity...
Jayden's Birthday pictures
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Sushi and salsa and church in less than 24 hours
I got a chance to go to a salsa/hibachi restaurant on Saturday and then went salsa dancing later that night. Here are some pics from sushi.Its been fun getting out and doing things. It was such a blast at La Montana dancing with a crowd we knew from the other club- Eastside. I stayed out way beyond late that morning. And then got up after only a few hours of sleep to go to Church. At church the pastor challenged us to stop trying so hard to fit in and hide our uniqueness when God created us to be unique. He challenged us to stop caring about what people think and more about what God thinks -- especially when it comes to evaluating our life. And especially not to allow others attitudes or interactions with us to stop us from the work or destiny or harvest that God has called us to. (for example --when we are surrounded by others who are failing in our lives choosing to fail at something in order to fit in and not be isolated by being so blessed with success instead of living in the blessing God intended)
Time with the Wilders
I haven't had time to hang out with the whole Wilder family in a while. I got to babysit Jayden Friday and then hang out on Sunday. Jayden is so sweet and growing up so fast. And it was fun to hang out with Janelle and tag team shopping -- helping find things we both needed - in this case shoes. And chilling with Josie who pampered us by running out for pumpkin cappuccinos. Check out some of the cute pics and the kitchen colors in the Josie and Jayden pics and the dining room colors with Jayden and the ball pics.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
My first video in a while
I had a great time at the beach with the Foskeys & the Whitcombs. I especially love my dawn and sunset walks on the beach, collecting shells, laughing at the childrens screams of delight/fear, scuba diving (super awesome :)) and playing with the sand with my toes and splashing in the surf.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Homeowner tasks & blessings
I must say. Last year I worked on trimming my shrubs and forsinthye bushes with the hand powered trimmers. This year I borrowed an electric hedge trimmer. They turned a three day project into a four hour task. Motors are a great thing... And I love to see them look neat again. I even had time to stop and smell the flowers. And time to go visit with Janelle & Josie prior to salsa class.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Shell Alley just off Sunset Sandbar
Tonight I chose to walk along the beach. I walked further than I have in the past. I came upon this area of beach full of shells. I was so excited. I decided to name it Shell Alley. I found a small conch shell about the size of my thumb. And I found several olive shells. ( A lettered olive shell is the South Carolina state shell. One of the other ladies along the scuba trip on Wednesday gave me one. I also found two dead sand dollars about the size of my hand while scuba diving on Tuesday.) Then I started to wade out into the water to take some sunset pictures. It was low tide and the water stayed below my knees for a long way out. I got to go out and take lots of cool sunset pictures out in the water. I decided it should be called Sunset Sandbar. It was beautiful tonight because from our area of the beach you really can't watch the sunrise, but this was a little harbor or river. I took a few pictures of my shell pile because I was so excited about what I found.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Sun, Sand & Surf -- who needs anything more?
The beach is great!! I did not get to go scuba diving Tuesday because they didn't have enough people signed up to go out on the boat. It got rescheduled for Friday. I got to go out today. I was rusty and this was my first small boat dive with swim lines. We didn't go very deep -- staying around 65 feet. It was a good practice dive. They had an old barge they sank but it turned on its side. They originally built it with concrete beams with activities like triangles to swim through etc. Unfortunately when it turned on its side, it left lots of debrie with not much to do or look at. So they took some old tanks(APOs -I think they called them) and gutted them and allow you to dive straight through or go up the manhole opening. The water was 82 degrees so I didn't need my wet suit. I just used my new SPF/surf shirt and tankini. This was fun but I did scrap my leg as I tried to turn to quickly coming out of an opening. It was superficial luckily. It was so great to get back in the water and scuba!!!!
Thanks to all who prayed that we get enough divers because we only had 6 which is the minimum number they will take out. They have enough for my second trip on Friday but the low pressure developing off the coast is suppose to cause some good wind. Bad enough that they probably will not go out Saturday, but they think they will be able to take us out to Sherman which is only about 5 miles off the coast. Its an old civil war frigate that sank and broke apart. Nothing to practice penetrating (going down into the wreck) but it should be exciting to see it. And its another day out scuba diving.
On another note. I have the place to myself for the rest of the week. I really enjoyed the time with two families and enjoyed playing nanny at times. It seems so quiet. Trevor & Kendra needed to go home early for some work Trevor needed to get back and do. Tim & Lindsay had and unexpected death - Lindsay's grandfather passed away and they had to pack up early to go home for the viewing and funeral. I am going to relax tommorrow and hopefully scuba. And I will play it by ear if I go home on Friday or Saturday. I had fun tonight with the tripod taking some pictures of myself on the beach. Did you know its difficult to take pictures of yourself doing a flip? It was fun trying :) I also decided that without the tripod I will be taking pictures of my feet in the places I've visited since my arms aren't long enough to get good face shots. :) Check out the web album for more pictures
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Relaxing at the beach
The water was perfect/tepid temperature. Asher (4 yo), Olivia (1.5 yo) & I were the first to hit the beach with excitement. They were ecstatic to find a reservior of water about 5 inches deep where they could splash and dig their toes into the wet sand. They were hesitant to go into the water but with big eyes of anticipation helped me find shells since it was low tide. I am greatly enjoying it. I will update more but here are a few pics
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Weeds weeds and more weeds
I seem to have a huge list of things that need done around the place. One of which, has needed work for about 2 months, was weeding. I must admit I don't mind weeding when you know you are helping plants to grow b u t when the weeding goes on and on and on again... I struggle to even start it. So I decided the vegetable garden will go unattended and I will weed wack and then till it under at the end of the summer. The flower garden unfortunately needed weeded. Its a part rock garden and therefore you can't rototiller it up. So the last two days I worked on pulling weeds. It was in the 90s yesterday and I could only tolerate about 2 hours. Today I started earlier and it was only in the mid 80s. So I was able to finish it. I ended up with five piles of weeds. I forgot to take a picture before pulling weeds but I have the after pictures. I also have a few pictures of the embankment that goes onto my neighbors part of the land. It shows the intense height and depth of weeds I had to fight. Keep in mind those are not planted trees in there. I hope to get a few more flowers to put into my garden in the near future and a bench to put at the end of the garden.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
We're going hiking now...
"Are you kidding me?" Were the words out of my mouth as I looked at the trail head. Janelle & Josie had told me I could join them in their planned hike. But she told me it was listed as moderate and was short - only 1.2 miles. Next time I will ask for more details... like expected time to hike, and elevation changes. What I didn't realize was that we would climb 1000ft in less than a mile. Keep in mind that means about 50 steps were not at a 45 degree incline and about 50 steps were down hill.
Now ordinarly if I had known I would have been more prepared. Josie luckily managed to get Jayden up hill most of the way in and I helped backpack him out, until Jayden needed to stretch out and Josie carried him the rest of the way out. But I must admit backpacking Jayden down was easier than carrying my backpack with my water, first aid kit & heavy camera. So when Josie and I switched I had the better end of the bargain. And I got a better work out hiking than I did working out on the treadmill at the gym yesterday or dancing with friends over the last few days. Check out some pics of the hike
Friday, August 10, 2007
What a great week... what great opportunities to learn
What fun....
I went hiking with three other girls to Oconee National forest to the hidden falls. It was one of those heat advisory days. But check out that picture. Its a spiders web that holds water. It was built along one of the boulders in the water fall. Only inches away from the water, why would a spider want to hold water in its web? Any ideas? Sometimes I find the most amazingly beautiful things but wonder why? Why did some one or something work so hard for something so unusual. Is it a way of God showing me to think outside the box when looking for what to do with my life. Or is it God's way of showing me that sometimes I work so hard to do something in my life that if I look outside of my small view point of the world I would see that God has already provided for that need? At any rate, it is an interesting thing to ponder.
Can I also say I am so excited I got rid of the ugly mustard yellow color on the exterior windows and doors. No more ugly yellow !!! Now its white. And now the 9+ yellow jackets nests have been treated I may use the porch again. Check out the pics I think some areas my need a third coat. We'll see.
On Thursday after hiking I got to spend some time with the Wilder family. We had dinner together and Josie and I went to Lowes to return some things with the SUV. Jayden is moving so fast. And he is so cute. I love getting to watch my nephew grow up. And J2 are such an encouraging couple.
And did I mention I got to go to church on Wednesday? It was awesome and so much to ponder. He shared about Gal 5 about the acts of sins listed vs the fruits of the spirit that reveal the attitudes of the heart. And interestingly enough one of his points was a word of caution that we can all have problems with our actions. But the big caution is to be aware that the actions are easy to clean up. The attitudes of our heart are much more dangerous and more important to correct. Although he did caution that sins of action are often related to bad relationship choices. And he specifically cautioned us about II Cor 7 and not be yoked to the wrong things or people in life -- whether its friends, or a male/female relationship. He cautioned us not to marry projects hope that they will change. And not to fall back into wrong relationships that God has brought us out of. And to guard our hearts for out of it springs the well of life. And specifically cautioned women not to spill their lives over a cup of coffee. That in our desperation for companionship we often open ourselves up to others allowing them to have opportunity to use us or manipulate us or just have improper authority to speak into our lives. -- All stuff I needed to hear.
Later I got to go to Salsa. It was so much fun. I had my new Salsa dancing shoes to try out. Turns were so much easier. I had so much fun. I really appreciate how the guys do ask you to dance. There are a lot of really good male dancers who know how to lead. I was successful for the first time with double and triple spins with me new shoes. YEAH... I love spinning. :) And I really appreciate dancing with someone who leads smoothly. I still need to work on my bachata and meringue. What is it with my white girl stiff moves that can't get those hip movements? But each week I learn more and more and appreciate those who try to teach me new things and I am going to keep learning. That's one of the things I love about dancing.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Work hard.... & play hard
So I have spent the last few days doing repairs and maintenance around my place. One of the joys of ownership. I have recently learned a few things. I learned how to replace the inner workings of a toilet. (although one is not completely functioning -- luckily I have more than one) I have figured out how to rip out those ugly glass doors for the shower. Unfortunately I didn't have the strength to fix my dysfunctional shower head. (hopefully I can get someone to help with that in the future.) I have also learned how to change the water filter for the house. My neighbor helped me manhandle that device open. Even he struggled to get it loose. Thanks Mr Davidson.
I have also spent the last two days in the 90+ heat painting the exterior of the windows and doors. Two coats and considering a third coat on some areas. One window required using my collapsable ladder extended to its full 17 feet and standing on the second to the last step. (thats a long way down)Mrs Davidson helped me maneuver the ladder -- thanks guys!! And thank God for providing help when I needed it most. I have sprayed to kill about 7 wasps nests around my porches -- so far without having been stung. I also began to sand the ceiling in my basement bedroom tonight. It had about a third of the ceiling replaced after a leak and had the first coat of mud put up. After about 30 minutes of sanding I had to call a break secondary to inability to see and breathe. I did decide to use the old bed frame from the guest bedroom for my room. Its nice to have a bed with headboard and foot board. It's starting to feel like a grown up bedroom instead of a college dorm. I have also changed out the linens and curtains to a beige color which is pretty while feeling mature. The room still has completely unmatched furniture -- but it does have furniture...
Then I wanted to try something new again.
This seems to be my week to do new things. I went to swing dancing for the first time. I took a lesson with about 100 other people in a room that began at about 80 degrees and became unbearable by the end of the first 1/2 hour. You were sweating just sitting watching others dance. About an hour later they found a fan and started circulating a little air. At the end of the evening I was finally getting the rhythm -- step, step, rock-step with the turns and close holds. It was fun. I ran into several faces from salsa which was fun. At about 11pm walking out of the place into the 87 degree weather I found it was basically cooler outside than inside -- even when only 6 or 7 dancers remained. Hopefully it may be cooler and a smaller group the next time I can go. Entirely different muscles needed for swing than for salsa. And with a concrete floor I can feel the impact on my legs. It was fun and I hope to go back again.
This week has been satisfying in regards to getting some work done thats been on the list for about a year. I still need to work further with that bedroom ceiling. But must admit I'm not that motivated. And all my flower and vegetable gardens have become weed infested areas as I put household tasks ahead of them. One girl can't do it all is something I am learning well with this large place. But I am amazed at God's faithfulness and his assistance when I need it most. I have needed some social outings and have enjoyed this week. Well now I must get some rest. May God bless you and your activities this week.
I have also spent the last two days in the 90+ heat painting the exterior of the windows and doors. Two coats and considering a third coat on some areas. One window required using my collapsable ladder extended to its full 17 feet and standing on the second to the last step. (thats a long way down)Mrs Davidson helped me maneuver the ladder -- thanks guys!! And thank God for providing help when I needed it most. I have sprayed to kill about 7 wasps nests around my porches -- so far without having been stung. I also began to sand the ceiling in my basement bedroom tonight. It had about a third of the ceiling replaced after a leak and had the first coat of mud put up. After about 30 minutes of sanding I had to call a break secondary to inability to see and breathe. I did decide to use the old bed frame from the guest bedroom for my room. Its nice to have a bed with headboard and foot board. It's starting to feel like a grown up bedroom instead of a college dorm. I have also changed out the linens and curtains to a beige color which is pretty while feeling mature. The room still has completely unmatched furniture -- but it does have furniture...
Then I wanted to try something new again.
This seems to be my week to do new things. I went to swing dancing for the first time. I took a lesson with about 100 other people in a room that began at about 80 degrees and became unbearable by the end of the first 1/2 hour. You were sweating just sitting watching others dance. About an hour later they found a fan and started circulating a little air. At the end of the evening I was finally getting the rhythm -- step, step, rock-step with the turns and close holds. It was fun. I ran into several faces from salsa which was fun. At about 11pm walking out of the place into the 87 degree weather I found it was basically cooler outside than inside -- even when only 6 or 7 dancers remained. Hopefully it may be cooler and a smaller group the next time I can go. Entirely different muscles needed for swing than for salsa. And with a concrete floor I can feel the impact on my legs. It was fun and I hope to go back again.
This week has been satisfying in regards to getting some work done thats been on the list for about a year. I still need to work further with that bedroom ceiling. But must admit I'm not that motivated. And all my flower and vegetable gardens have become weed infested areas as I put household tasks ahead of them. One girl can't do it all is something I am learning well with this large place. But I am amazed at God's faithfulness and his assistance when I need it most. I have needed some social outings and have enjoyed this week. Well now I must get some rest. May God bless you and your activities this week.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
How did you spend your day off ?
What do you do on your day off? Well now, why not plan an afternoon to be in a swim suit floating down a river on an innertube with a big group of complete strangers. And then have a picnic with them. -- worked for me. :) I decided to join a "Meet Up" group that does hiking and outdoor activities. I met them around 10am at Kay's cabin in Saluda. That's only 30 minutes from my house. She was hostessing the event. It was a cabin with a beautiful stream that ran behind it. You could sit out on the swing, around the home made picnic table, or kick back in a rocking chairs and enjoy the sound of the water as it tumbled across the boulders. Some of the gang showed up and ran back to town to grab a late breakfast since tubing wasn't available until 12:30. At noon we hit the road to drive down to the Green River Cove to rent tubes and hit the river. Apparently they release water from a dam around noon which helps create more current. We took the 3 mile trip which took about 2-2.5 hours. It was about 90 degrees outside. As we stepped into the water it felt a little too cool at first, but after sitting in the tubes for few minutes. It was the perfect temperature to keep us cool. David took the first splash into the water as we got started. In total we had 14 people in the group. Let see if I can remember everyones name -- Michael, Micheal, David, Steve, Tim, Brad, Shelton Teri, Kay, Tania, Charlotte, Janice, Wendy and I. I found it interesting how the current carried you at different speeds allowing you to chat with different people. Everyone was very friendly and willing to talk. Afterwards we drove back through the switchback road and made it to the cabin and had a picnic. We all brought food. Steve made a great spinach dip and brought panera bread. We also had toppings for hamburgers, a veggie tray,potatoe salad, & cheesecake. I really enjoyed chatting with everyone. There were so many different personalities and everyone had such varied backgrounds. I love learning about people and had so much fun. What are you doing on your next day off? Here are some pics of the picnic I hope to learn swing later this week....
Sunday, July 22, 2007
My weekend
I had a fun weekend with friends and family.
Late Friday night Tim and Lindsay came down from VA with their 3 month old son Sammy. We sat around and chatted until late.
Then Saturday, Janelle & Josie came up from Greenville with Jayden. He got to meet Dassah & Tipsy -two dogs in one day. Jayden seemed to enjoy watching Tipsy. We played dominoes for a few hours. Later the Fawleys & Foskeys came over for dinner. We had fun hanging out and chatting and holding the new babies and older ones. We had 8 day old Kyrie, 3 month old Sammy, 18month old Olivia, and 4 year old Asher, 5 year old Christian. There were 8 adults to help keep track of all the kids. It was nice to sit around and chat.
Sunday we slept in and enjoyed chatting and hanging out over a late breakfast. Then Becca spent the day cutting and coloring our hair. Thanks Becca! You make the world a beautiful place. And I got to spend the weekend taking some pics. Check these cuties out.Pics of this weekend
Monday, July 16, 2007
A water pitcher... and a whale and God's perspective
I can't believe how good it feels to follow God's guidance. I am not perfect in hearing His guidance or being obedient even when I do hear it. Good thing for me, God created this thing called Grace & Mercy. This week I am living within his mercy and feeling so blessed right now. I listened and obediently stepped out in faith tonight. And can't believe the anticipation He is stirring in my heart for the future. It is bright tonight -like the twinkling stars on a dark clear night. It has captured my imagination to know His leading is endless like the universe around us and He has no limitations when planning our lives.
On Sunday, our pastor shared a reminder from Jeremiah when He used clay on the potter's wheel. And shared that God is the potter, we are the clay and God uses circumstances in the world around us to be the forces that help create our shape (like the wheel). At times it feels harsh and we may not appreciate the pressure. But having thrown a few things on a wheel I know the more equal the pressure on both sides the more control and the more defined the object will be.
In the past I felt God say he shaped me from a cracked bowl that was loosing its water and changed me into a vase. I liked that, I was someone that would display beautiful flowers. I would be someone that others would enjoy and held special sentimental value. This week I felt like God said he had re-molded me into a water pitcher.
At first I was disappointed to be changed from something that had honor and held beauty to such an ordinary object -a water pitcher. Then God said that the difference between a vase and a water pitcher is death. And I said "what?" God said a water pitcher can pour out water and maintain life to a whole garden if used properly. It brings nutrients that bring growth, development, fruition & blooms /beauty-- life to a garden. A vase holds the temporarily stolen/cut short blossoms that are beautiful but short-lived and if overlooked decay and die quickly. And he wants me to be willing to pour out what He has blessed me with to others in His timing. I am uncertain what all this means in the natural, but am excited to see him work it out.
The pastor also shared that God has blessings He wants to give us. And the resources for these blessings aren't far from us right now. Which I feel had significance for me. I can't wait to see what that means in the spiritual and in the natural.
He also shared that at times we don't see the big picture that God has for us regarding the specific blessings he wants to give us. We settle for Willy the Whale who is visible to us and we settle for it despite the fact that it is not exactly what we want. God isn't going to repaint the whole picture. He is just going to removed Willy the Whale and then our vision/view point will be restored. Tonight He removed one whale and now I can't wait to see the whole vision he has painted for me. And I really am praying for the whole picture -- job, relationship, friends, social settings, discipling roles, Barnabas friends and mentors.
Thank you God for Your Grace and Mercy. And for your continued desire to bless us, love us, and pour out your best on your beloved children despite our weaknesses, lack of follow through, disobedience etc. We are honored to have Your love.
Oh yeah and Congrats to new parents Kendra & Trevor on the birth of Kyrie - a beautiful baby girl
& to new parents Heather & Jake on the birth of Jake Jr and healthy boy -- my cousin. They both had their children on Friday
On Sunday, our pastor shared a reminder from Jeremiah when He used clay on the potter's wheel. And shared that God is the potter, we are the clay and God uses circumstances in the world around us to be the forces that help create our shape (like the wheel). At times it feels harsh and we may not appreciate the pressure. But having thrown a few things on a wheel I know the more equal the pressure on both sides the more control and the more defined the object will be.
In the past I felt God say he shaped me from a cracked bowl that was loosing its water and changed me into a vase. I liked that, I was someone that would display beautiful flowers. I would be someone that others would enjoy and held special sentimental value. This week I felt like God said he had re-molded me into a water pitcher.
At first I was disappointed to be changed from something that had honor and held beauty to such an ordinary object -a water pitcher. Then God said that the difference between a vase and a water pitcher is death. And I said "what?" God said a water pitcher can pour out water and maintain life to a whole garden if used properly. It brings nutrients that bring growth, development, fruition & blooms /beauty-- life to a garden. A vase holds the temporarily stolen/cut short blossoms that are beautiful but short-lived and if overlooked decay and die quickly. And he wants me to be willing to pour out what He has blessed me with to others in His timing. I am uncertain what all this means in the natural, but am excited to see him work it out.
The pastor also shared that God has blessings He wants to give us. And the resources for these blessings aren't far from us right now. Which I feel had significance for me. I can't wait to see what that means in the spiritual and in the natural.
He also shared that at times we don't see the big picture that God has for us regarding the specific blessings he wants to give us. We settle for Willy the Whale who is visible to us and we settle for it despite the fact that it is not exactly what we want. God isn't going to repaint the whole picture. He is just going to removed Willy the Whale and then our vision/view point will be restored. Tonight He removed one whale and now I can't wait to see the whole vision he has painted for me. And I really am praying for the whole picture -- job, relationship, friends, social settings, discipling roles, Barnabas friends and mentors.
Thank you God for Your Grace and Mercy. And for your continued desire to bless us, love us, and pour out your best on your beloved children despite our weaknesses, lack of follow through, disobedience etc. We are honored to have Your love.
Oh yeah and Congrats to new parents Kendra & Trevor on the birth of Kyrie - a beautiful baby girl
& to new parents Heather & Jake on the birth of Jake Jr and healthy boy -- my cousin. They both had their children on Friday
Friday, July 06, 2007
I'm celebrating!!
I can't belive it!!! I have every weekend off in July except for the last Sunday. I can have a life! This week has been great. I got to enjoy the the afternoon of the 4th off with my family. Later that evening I got to hear a symphony, meet several interesting people, watch two different displays of fireworks or three if you count the few someone else set off near us. Life is good.
And guess what! I am so excited to be able to take a series of salsa classes because I have them all off! What a great blessing! I am so excited about the salsa classes because I am looking forward to learning more -- especially styling which I don't know anything about. And I would love to learn a few more moves. Salsa has been so much fun to learn over the last few weeks. There is always so much more to learn which is what stirs up my curious and competitive nature.
Thank you God for weekends off! And I get to go to church and socialize and praise and worship with others-- several Sundays in a row! YEAH. (sigh) I've missed church the last month or so. Being out of town for births, funerals and support of friends and then work has been pulling me away from church and I can't wait to go this Sunday.
And guess what! I am so excited to be able to take a series of salsa classes because I have them all off! What a great blessing! I am so excited about the salsa classes because I am looking forward to learning more -- especially styling which I don't know anything about. And I would love to learn a few more moves. Salsa has been so much fun to learn over the last few weeks. There is always so much more to learn which is what stirs up my curious and competitive nature.
Thank you God for weekends off! And I get to go to church and socialize and praise and worship with others-- several Sundays in a row! YEAH. (sigh) I've missed church the last month or so. Being out of town for births, funerals and support of friends and then work has been pulling me away from church and I can't wait to go this Sunday.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
I looked up the definition destiny today. It was defined as "an event (or a course of events) that will inevitably happen in the future". I've often wandered what my destiny is. I know what my destiny is, I guess what I've wondered about, is, what will happen in the near future. I know that my destiny is with my Father in Heaven. And I am thankful that my grandfather's destiny is there also. One thing that struck me was a memory my Uncle Lynn shared at the viewing with us. He reminded us that Grandpa would end prayers with something like "...and when our work here on earth is done, bring us all home to You without the loss of even one. Amen" I am thankful that despite our failures and the sins that have hurt us in our families that God's presence has existed. And I am thankful for the legacy that Grandfather and God did inspire in his children and grandchildren. To know God. If I didn't have a working knowledge of God's love I don't know how I would get through the ups and downs in life.
Some days I wander what course of events are in my future towards my destiny? When I was a child I would wander "Why does life have to change?" I always strugged to want change when things were just getting good at a social or work setting and having to start in a new setting -- a new school, or job, or city. Why did things have to change? I would wonder when I had a trial, like -- when a young boy I knew was killed, when I had to work with ladies who gossiped about me behind your back, when I had to change adult diapers for a job, when I had a miscarriage, when my dreams of a perfect marriage dissolved into a divorce, when I watched young people die or worse yet be forced to live in a body of shell kept alive by grieving family and machines. At times I still question why life has to change, but have come to accept that it does. Recently I started reading a book called the richest man who ever lived. It is about King Solomon's life. It challenged me to consider what visions and hope I have for the future. And to consider breaking down the vision into steps. These are steps of change to bring about your vision. It was a good time to remind me to be proactive about pursuing my future....
Here are some pics of the funeral
Some days I wander what course of events are in my future towards my destiny? When I was a child I would wander "Why does life have to change?" I always strugged to want change when things were just getting good at a social or work setting and having to start in a new setting -- a new school, or job, or city. Why did things have to change? I would wonder when I had a trial, like -- when a young boy I knew was killed, when I had to work with ladies who gossiped about me behind your back, when I had to change adult diapers for a job, when I had a miscarriage, when my dreams of a perfect marriage dissolved into a divorce, when I watched young people die or worse yet be forced to live in a body of shell kept alive by grieving family and machines. At times I still question why life has to change, but have come to accept that it does. Recently I started reading a book called the richest man who ever lived. It is about King Solomon's life. It challenged me to consider what visions and hope I have for the future. And to consider breaking down the vision into steps. These are steps of change to bring about your vision. It was a good time to remind me to be proactive about pursuing my future....
Here are some pics of the funeral
Friday, June 22, 2007
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Moments with Grandpa
It's almost Father's Day and I thought it fitting to write about my Grandpa. He's with our Father in Heaven now. I am happy for him and yet mourning his loss. As I crawled into bed tonight I couldn't help but think back on moments with Grandpa. So I thought I might share a few...
Some of my earliest moments I remember where of time spent during corn harvest at the farm. Hours spent in fields picking corn -- or should I say hours playing hide and seek in the fields as the adults picked the corn. Those rows were enormously tall to me and went on forever. I remember the sharp paper burn caused by the corn leaves as I ran. And if I got lost being able to call out and be directed back to the adults by their voices. And then hours husking, silking, splitting, boxing and freezing corn. And the incessant "Are we done yet?" that continued to flow from my lips. It was met by smiles, winks and at times that stern look quickly followed by a wink or a smile from Grandpa. And that mechanical contraption that would hold the corn and silk it for you that Grandpa made. He should have patented some of those inventions.
Then my mind slips to the times I used to help shovel and sweep out the pig pen. What fun! After working to clean out the barn, Grandpa would spray and spray and then brush out the floor. After a few more rinses, then the fun began. I was in boots up to my knees about 5 sizes too big and I would say "okay now, Grandpa?" And he would say "Just a minute", "Okay now!" He would spray water and I would run and then slide across the floor. And he would spray more and I would slide again - so fast the wall would come up too quickly. And then slide again - spinning this time. Until my world would be dizzy and the water was splashed everywhere, even up in my hair. I was laughing and covered in water. Dizzy from the pure pleasure of the sheer freedom of sliding and splashing in water that every young 4-5 year old dreams of. And he would let me continue until I tired from work, fun and laughter. We would tramp back to the house, hand in hand, because I was too slick to make it up the drive alone, and into the back porch. To be met by Grandma's voice "What in heaven's name have you two been doing" Only to be met with my giggles and Grandpa's hand squeeze to remind me to keep it our little secret. And then I was directed to the bathroom to remove those stinking, sopping wet clothes and straight to the shower to become a respectable girl again.
And then my mind skips to times sitting on Grandpa’s lap. "Read it again grandpa". He had one of those laps a child could just curl up in. And sure enough he would read what ever beloved book we had brought to him. Over and Over and Over again, without complaint.
Then my mind wanders to the time the grandchildren were all allowed to run the farm in freedom, during get togethers. Ah the fun of hiding in that old wooden box in the pasture while playing hide and seek. Ah, yes, we hid a little too long. The adults came frantically calling our names. While we debated revealing our location, Grandpa reminded them there was only so far we could go. There is no way we would get too far, and not to worry. So, on we played in our great hideaway house/box for a few more hours.
Then there were the drives down to the cabin. I often rode with Grandma to pick up Grandpa at GM and then on to Virginia we would go. During those trips Grandpa taught me about sun dogs, the sailors warning about red skies. Grandma taught us the joke about "some-er cows" one trip. She said "look, do you see those summer cows?" And I said, "How do you know they are summer cows?", "What are summer cows?". She said, "You just have to look, see -- some are white, and some are brown. They’re some-er cows." I must have repeated that joke to Grandpa about a hundred times during the next hour. Every time we passed a farm. This at that time was every mile. And each time Grandpa would give a hearty laugh at the correct time and smile.
When we reached the cabin, the first item of the day was to find each of the keys on the key ring to unlock the big door. Grandpa would describe them and let me try to find them, even if it took a few minutes, unless I gave up. And sometimes he would lift me up and let me turn the keys. Then, as Grandma unloaded groceries, Grandpa and I saw to the second order of business. (Meaning I would shadow Grandpa -- an important job you know.) Checking under the porch to see if the water line and the breakers were turned on, and the next order of business. A very important task indeed. We (meaning Grandpa) would carry the watermelon down the path to the creek and find a small pocket of water to float the watermelon. Mind you as Grandpa carried the watermelon down the path, I either skipped ahead or slid down behind him, grabbing his belt to stay upright nearly knocking him down on several occasions. I would be given the task of finding a spot where it couldn't float away, but would get cold fast from the water flowing off the mountain.
And I can still hear him and uncle Laben sitting on the porch whistling to the whippoorwills until they came right up onto the steps certain another whippoorwills was calling it.
And then there were the times of teasing him when you found him snoring asleep on the recliner or the rockers. And even mocking him as a young child pretending to sleep with the loudest snores we could muster and breaking into laughter together.
Later, there were times when he just took you aside. And would say "I am so proud of you" or "I want you to know that Grandma and I support you and are praying for you" Or "We miss you" or "We love you". I particularly remember when he took me aside during one of my breaks home during PA school. He just said "I know you can do it. We are so proud of you. We pray for you. And we know you are going to get thorough this".
And the stories he would tell... some sad, some funny.
And the twinkle he could make appear when you would catch his eye across the table or room.
Even one of the times I drove up and was in his room at Menno Haven. The other adults were talking about something. I had tuned out and thought Grandpa was asleep. I was just covering my yawn with my hand, when I saw it. Grandpa stealthily opened his eyes and glanced around and saw he wasn't seen by anyone, then felt my eye on him. His eyes met mine, then laughter flickered across his, as he saw I was yawning at the conversation. He smiled with a twinkle to the eye, then raised his index finger to his lips, with a silent "sh sh" and nod and closed his eyes again. I started to silently laugh. I laughed so hard I choked up a cough to cover the laughter. Which drew the eyes of the adults toward me and away from Grandpa. He opened his eyes again with a twinkle and snapped them shut quickly before the others noticed or could draw him into their conversation. When that conversation finished he perked back up again and got involved again. He was always good at making me laugh. And when he wasn't, I could usually make him laugh.
I also know he struggled at the end. It made me cry to see him struggle to lift his hand or his foot. The sheer frustration at not being able to deal with daily tasks with his own abilities was such a hard thing to watch. It made me wonder how gracefully I will handle that. Probably not very well, but then would I want to give in. One thing Grandpa had in abundance that I gained was his stubborn willpower. I am glad to know he is finally at rest, and will have a functional new body and new found freedom. I am sure he is pestering God with tons of questions, because I fully expect to be filled in when I reach his side in the future...
Some of my earliest moments I remember where of time spent during corn harvest at the farm. Hours spent in fields picking corn -- or should I say hours playing hide and seek in the fields as the adults picked the corn. Those rows were enormously tall to me and went on forever. I remember the sharp paper burn caused by the corn leaves as I ran. And if I got lost being able to call out and be directed back to the adults by their voices. And then hours husking, silking, splitting, boxing and freezing corn. And the incessant "Are we done yet?" that continued to flow from my lips. It was met by smiles, winks and at times that stern look quickly followed by a wink or a smile from Grandpa. And that mechanical contraption that would hold the corn and silk it for you that Grandpa made. He should have patented some of those inventions.
Then my mind slips to the times I used to help shovel and sweep out the pig pen. What fun! After working to clean out the barn, Grandpa would spray and spray and then brush out the floor. After a few more rinses, then the fun began. I was in boots up to my knees about 5 sizes too big and I would say "okay now, Grandpa?" And he would say "Just a minute", "Okay now!" He would spray water and I would run and then slide across the floor. And he would spray more and I would slide again - so fast the wall would come up too quickly. And then slide again - spinning this time. Until my world would be dizzy and the water was splashed everywhere, even up in my hair. I was laughing and covered in water. Dizzy from the pure pleasure of the sheer freedom of sliding and splashing in water that every young 4-5 year old dreams of. And he would let me continue until I tired from work, fun and laughter. We would tramp back to the house, hand in hand, because I was too slick to make it up the drive alone, and into the back porch. To be met by Grandma's voice "What in heaven's name have you two been doing" Only to be met with my giggles and Grandpa's hand squeeze to remind me to keep it our little secret. And then I was directed to the bathroom to remove those stinking, sopping wet clothes and straight to the shower to become a respectable girl again.
And then my mind skips to times sitting on Grandpa’s lap. "Read it again grandpa". He had one of those laps a child could just curl up in. And sure enough he would read what ever beloved book we had brought to him. Over and Over and Over again, without complaint.
Then my mind wanders to the time the grandchildren were all allowed to run the farm in freedom, during get togethers. Ah the fun of hiding in that old wooden box in the pasture while playing hide and seek. Ah, yes, we hid a little too long. The adults came frantically calling our names. While we debated revealing our location, Grandpa reminded them there was only so far we could go. There is no way we would get too far, and not to worry. So, on we played in our great hideaway house/box for a few more hours.
Then there were the drives down to the cabin. I often rode with Grandma to pick up Grandpa at GM and then on to Virginia we would go. During those trips Grandpa taught me about sun dogs, the sailors warning about red skies. Grandma taught us the joke about "some-er cows" one trip. She said "look, do you see those summer cows?" And I said, "How do you know they are summer cows?", "What are summer cows?". She said, "You just have to look, see -- some are white, and some are brown. They’re some-er cows." I must have repeated that joke to Grandpa about a hundred times during the next hour. Every time we passed a farm. This at that time was every mile. And each time Grandpa would give a hearty laugh at the correct time and smile.
When we reached the cabin, the first item of the day was to find each of the keys on the key ring to unlock the big door. Grandpa would describe them and let me try to find them, even if it took a few minutes, unless I gave up. And sometimes he would lift me up and let me turn the keys. Then, as Grandma unloaded groceries, Grandpa and I saw to the second order of business. (Meaning I would shadow Grandpa -- an important job you know.) Checking under the porch to see if the water line and the breakers were turned on, and the next order of business. A very important task indeed. We (meaning Grandpa) would carry the watermelon down the path to the creek and find a small pocket of water to float the watermelon. Mind you as Grandpa carried the watermelon down the path, I either skipped ahead or slid down behind him, grabbing his belt to stay upright nearly knocking him down on several occasions. I would be given the task of finding a spot where it couldn't float away, but would get cold fast from the water flowing off the mountain.
And I can still hear him and uncle Laben sitting on the porch whistling to the whippoorwills until they came right up onto the steps certain another whippoorwills was calling it.
And then there were the times of teasing him when you found him snoring asleep on the recliner or the rockers. And even mocking him as a young child pretending to sleep with the loudest snores we could muster and breaking into laughter together.
Later, there were times when he just took you aside. And would say "I am so proud of you" or "I want you to know that Grandma and I support you and are praying for you" Or "We miss you" or "We love you". I particularly remember when he took me aside during one of my breaks home during PA school. He just said "I know you can do it. We are so proud of you. We pray for you. And we know you are going to get thorough this".
And the stories he would tell... some sad, some funny.
And the twinkle he could make appear when you would catch his eye across the table or room.
Even one of the times I drove up and was in his room at Menno Haven. The other adults were talking about something. I had tuned out and thought Grandpa was asleep. I was just covering my yawn with my hand, when I saw it. Grandpa stealthily opened his eyes and glanced around and saw he wasn't seen by anyone, then felt my eye on him. His eyes met mine, then laughter flickered across his, as he saw I was yawning at the conversation. He smiled with a twinkle to the eye, then raised his index finger to his lips, with a silent "sh sh" and nod and closed his eyes again. I started to silently laugh. I laughed so hard I choked up a cough to cover the laughter. Which drew the eyes of the adults toward me and away from Grandpa. He opened his eyes again with a twinkle and snapped them shut quickly before the others noticed or could draw him into their conversation. When that conversation finished he perked back up again and got involved again. He was always good at making me laugh. And when he wasn't, I could usually make him laugh.
I also know he struggled at the end. It made me cry to see him struggle to lift his hand or his foot. The sheer frustration at not being able to deal with daily tasks with his own abilities was such a hard thing to watch. It made me wonder how gracefully I will handle that. Probably not very well, but then would I want to give in. One thing Grandpa had in abundance that I gained was his stubborn willpower. I am glad to know he is finally at rest, and will have a functional new body and new found freedom. I am sure he is pestering God with tons of questions, because I fully expect to be filled in when I reach his side in the future...
Monday, June 11, 2007
Did you see that sunset?
I love taking time to watch the sunset. Tonight I spent it flashing by the window as I prepared to do some stitches. Summer time has begun, as the campers floated by me today for cuts and sprains. The sunset contained the most brilliant red and pink colors after the rain shower. I wish I could have sat and just soaked it in. I never tire of seeing the colors slide shade to shade and then into shadows.
After noticing the sunset I was struck by the sweet open nature of two of my patients. One, a child seperated from his family who was so brave through stitches. With a sweet PA who held his hand while I injected the numbing medicine. And the other a beautiful young girl with the deepest green eyes. And realized the young girls innocence mirrored in her eyes was such a large part of her beauty. Ah to be young, I would have loved to be at camp this week. Unfortunately I am covering the other PA's vacation time and am stuck inside most of this week. Other than Thursday, which I have off and am preparing to go salsa dancing again. (thank God for per deim staff who can pick up at least one shift.)
Well, after working almost 13 hours I am ready to get some sleep. But I am excited we finally got our first rain since I planted the garden. It needed it. Hopefully things will start to grow better.
After noticing the sunset I was struck by the sweet open nature of two of my patients. One, a child seperated from his family who was so brave through stitches. With a sweet PA who held his hand while I injected the numbing medicine. And the other a beautiful young girl with the deepest green eyes. And realized the young girls innocence mirrored in her eyes was such a large part of her beauty. Ah to be young, I would have loved to be at camp this week. Unfortunately I am covering the other PA's vacation time and am stuck inside most of this week. Other than Thursday, which I have off and am preparing to go salsa dancing again. (thank God for per deim staff who can pick up at least one shift.)
Well, after working almost 13 hours I am ready to get some sleep. But I am excited we finally got our first rain since I planted the garden. It needed it. Hopefully things will start to grow better.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Memorial Weekend
Okay so this weekend was fun. I got to catch up with Janelle, Josie & Jayden. I had a great weekend and met some friends of the Wilder's. I also got to go out with some one really sweet. Everyone was so open and easy to communicate with. I really enjoyed the social interactions. I did want to show you some pics of my nephew. I did a quick photo shoot with him on Sunday and he was so cute and interactive playing peek-a-boo in the blankets. I had so much fun watching him and his expressions. He is growing up so fast. I can't believe how much he changes each time I see him. Check out these pics. I spent today in the ED and got sucked into a 12 hour shift since the doc promised to come take over and remembered an hour and a half later after he had caught up seeing several sick patients. I must say-- THANK GOD FOR GOOD HEATLH -- physical as well as mental. I just am so thankful for my life and the blessings of a great home and the ability to speak openly about God.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
A visit up north

Happy Mother's Day -- thanks goes out to all those Moms who gave birth, fed, clothed and nurtured their children along the way. We all appreciate it.
I spent the weekend driving to Virginia and getting a sneak peak at parenting a newborn again. This time I got to do the night feedings and give the new Mom & Dad a few extra hours of well earned sleep. Since he takes the bottle like a champ it wasn't bad but I can see how night after night for a while would be exhausting. Check out the new pics
I also got a chance to watch Nicia play soccer for her green team--- Go Nicia!! They tied the blue team, but with a great coach they are all learning alot. Special thanks to Eric the coach who does a great job and for his additional love he pours out. I also got to run by the book fair and then visit the original Whitcomb family for a while and taught Nicia some additional note taking & investigative skills with a few rounds of the game Clue.
Then I took Tim and Lindsay out for dinner to celebrate their Mother's Day and his Birthday. YEAH for special occasions.
And I ran into a couple that I knew from my clinical position at UVA. Their son had a miraculous healing last Christmas from a brain aneurysm and it was great to catch up with them and hear things are still well with him. God is good!
Today I went to Alethia and saw some old faces and had awesome worship. Graham (someone new since I left) did a great job with worship. I love their style of worship and could participate in it all day. We listened as Pastor D shared from Timothy about the importance of having prayer, theology, male involvement and woman's involvement. He talked about the importance in woman allowing men to feel like church is their environment too to keep them drawn and to be careful of not allowing womans ability to administer or verbally lead to detract from the environment. A testy discussion for anyone to teach on. I did find his point that men have visual weakness while women have verbal weaknesses a good point to ponder.
After church I got to chat with some friends and hear about mutual friends as well. Congrats to Matt & Jenni on their upcoming birth. I got to see Amy & Jon's new son- Micah -- a cutie with tons of hair. That church has tons of babies being born! It's wild to see my generation bringing new life into the world and wonder how this new generation will develop -- what skills will they offer the world and how or who will serve God.
I pray a special blessing on the ones I visited with and the ones I missed. Lord-- protect them daily. Draw them into your presence with a new refreshing awareness of your strength and love. Help them to walk with You into their divine destinies and not fear them. Teach them to be obedient, lead them in truth and let them feel your guiding hand in their journey of life ahead of them. May they pursue you. Fill them with your joy during times of sorrow, your peace during times of trouble and your rest during times of storm and your contentment during times of want. And may we all meet again in heaven before you once again if not again here on this earth...
Friday, May 04, 2007
Back on the water for ASA class 104

That means I got to be on the sailboat for three days!!! YEAH. We had a great trip. The sun was shining and the wind was blowing -- some of the time. Here are a few pics. We sailed from Wrightsville down the ICW through Snows Cut to Cape Fear River to Dutchmans Cove River to anchor. The second day we ran out the river to just about 3 miles off Bald Head Island and back to Dutchmans. The final day we left early 6:30am to catch the tide right to get back up the river and anchored for a while in the Wrightsville channel (near two bushes) to review systems and take the test.
I especially enjoyed sailing out passed the Bald Head Island out the Cape Fear River (avoiding the shoals off of Cape Fear). It was a beautiful day and while Paul steered I enjoyed time taking pics of the sails and sitting on the bow with my feet over the edge taking splashes on my legs. The temperature was sunny and 80-90 degrees during the day and would drop off to 50-60 degrees at night. PERFECT.
We did get to see the inside workings of a marine head as the brave Captn Ed did some plumbing. We also talked our way through the electronic wiring system and engine system and galley cooking/gas options. I got to play around planing with the dingy in the Dutchman's Cove River where we anchored for the night. I also got to swim for a few minutes and cool off after sailing back the second evening before the sunset. We had great meals prepared by Chef/Captn Ed including barbecued chicken, potato and onion foil packs, to shrimp, potato, corn on the cob and sausage boil to great om lets.
And again -- no seasickness for me. Yeah... (thank God) My nickname of "Nails" continued on (I earned that from Jim and Captn Ed the last trip while standing on the bow at sunset enjoying the wind in the low 50s degree temperature for about 20 minutes(in shorts, two tshirts and a vest) while they bundled up in long sleeves and pants behind the dodger. Paul thought I was crazy swimming in water with water temps probably around 65-68 -- but ya gotta enjoy it while you have the chance. :P Specially when you live so far away from the ocean.
Although it took about 4 attempts to succeed at docking with the wind at the stern and moving with the current -it did happen and I did learn from the experience and will be mulling over my mistakes and the forces involved for the next week before I totally understand it all -- thanks Captn Ed for talking me in and to Paul for being good at fishing in that midship spring line. And a special thanks to Kathleen for sharing Captn Ed to teach us and talk us through the last few days. And a gold star to Paul for tacking us quickly and efficiently and avoiding the shoal just outside the shipping lane. Good luck to Paul and his wife & family with their future sailing.
All and all a great learning experience.
I can't wait to get an opportunity to get out there again. Know anyone trustworthy who owns a sail boat and is willing to let me help sail or wants to charter? Just let me know. :)
A few hours in Wilmington

I took an extra day after my sailing class to wander around Wilmington. It has a historic section and a river walk and I enjoyed wandering around. I walked the river front and then around Front Street. I had fun playing with my camera taking pictures of the architecture and nature -- Spring is a wonderful time of year. They do a beautiful job with tons of trees and window boxes and vines and greenery throughout the city -- I love that! I found some beautiful flowers on a fence and as I left town I found these beautiful rows of poppies I had to pull over and enjoy. Here are some more pics I had a great time-- it is a nice city. And I enjoyed the old fashioned fronts to the buildings and the small boutiques and galleries along the way.
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