What do you do on your day off? Well now, why not plan an afternoon to be in a swim suit floating down a river on an innertube with a big group of complete strangers. And then have a picnic with them. -- worked for me. :) I decided to join a "Meet Up" group that does hiking and outdoor activities. I met them around 10am at Kay's cabin in Saluda. That's only 30 minutes from my house. She was hostessing the event. It was a cabin with a beautiful stream that ran behind it. You could sit out on the swing, around the home made picnic table, or kick back in a rocking chairs and enjoy the sound of the water as it tumbled across the boulders. Some of the gang showed up and ran back to town to grab a late breakfast since tubing wasn't available until 12:30. At noon we hit the road to drive down to the Green River Cove to rent tubes and hit the river. Apparently they release water from a dam around noon which helps create more current. We took the 3 mile trip which took about 2-2.5 hours. It was about 90 degrees outside. As we stepped into the water it felt a little too cool at first, but after sitting in the tubes for few minutes. It was the perfect temperature to keep us cool. David took the first splash into the water as we got started. In total we had 14 people in the group. Let see if I can remember everyones name -- Michael, Micheal, David, Steve, Tim, Brad, Shelton Teri, Kay, Tania, Charlotte, Janice, Wendy and I. I found it interesting how the current carried you at different speeds allowing you to chat with different people. Everyone was very friendly and willing to talk. Afterwards we drove back through the switchback road and made it to the cabin and had a picnic. We all brought food. Steve made a great spinach dip and brought panera bread. We also had toppings for hamburgers, a veggie tray,potatoe salad, & cheesecake. I really enjoyed chatting with everyone. There were so many different personalities and everyone had such varied backgrounds. I love learning about people and had so much fun. What are you doing on your next day off? Here are some pics of the picnic I hope to learn swing later this week....
Sunday, August 05, 2007
How did you spend your day off ?
What do you do on your day off? Well now, why not plan an afternoon to be in a swim suit floating down a river on an innertube with a big group of complete strangers. And then have a picnic with them. -- worked for me. :) I decided to join a "Meet Up" group that does hiking and outdoor activities. I met them around 10am at Kay's cabin in Saluda. That's only 30 minutes from my house. She was hostessing the event. It was a cabin with a beautiful stream that ran behind it. You could sit out on the swing, around the home made picnic table, or kick back in a rocking chairs and enjoy the sound of the water as it tumbled across the boulders. Some of the gang showed up and ran back to town to grab a late breakfast since tubing wasn't available until 12:30. At noon we hit the road to drive down to the Green River Cove to rent tubes and hit the river. Apparently they release water from a dam around noon which helps create more current. We took the 3 mile trip which took about 2-2.5 hours. It was about 90 degrees outside. As we stepped into the water it felt a little too cool at first, but after sitting in the tubes for few minutes. It was the perfect temperature to keep us cool. David took the first splash into the water as we got started. In total we had 14 people in the group. Let see if I can remember everyones name -- Michael, Micheal, David, Steve, Tim, Brad, Shelton Teri, Kay, Tania, Charlotte, Janice, Wendy and I. I found it interesting how the current carried you at different speeds allowing you to chat with different people. Everyone was very friendly and willing to talk. Afterwards we drove back through the switchback road and made it to the cabin and had a picnic. We all brought food. Steve made a great spinach dip and brought panera bread. We also had toppings for hamburgers, a veggie tray,potatoe salad, & cheesecake. I really enjoyed chatting with everyone. There were so many different personalities and everyone had such varied backgrounds. I love learning about people and had so much fun. What are you doing on your next day off? Here are some pics of the picnic I hope to learn swing later this week....
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