What fun....
I went hiking with three other girls to Oconee National forest to the hidden falls. It was one of those heat advisory days. But check out that picture. Its a spiders web that holds water. It was built along one of the boulders in the water fall. Only inches away from the water, why would a spider want to hold water in its web? Any ideas? Sometimes I find the most amazingly beautiful things but wonder why? Why did some one or something work so hard for something so unusual. Is it a way of God showing me to think outside the box when looking for what to do with my life. Or is it God's way of showing me that sometimes I work so hard to do something in my life that if I look outside of my small view point of the world I would see that God has already provided for that need? At any rate, it is an interesting thing to ponder.
Can I also say I am so excited I got rid of the ugly mustard yellow color on the exterior windows and doors. No more ugly yellow !!! Now its white. And now the 9+ yellow jackets nests have been treated I may use the porch again. Check out the pics I think some areas my need a third coat. We'll see.
On Thursday after hiking I got to spend some time with the Wilder family. We had dinner together and Josie and I went to Lowes to return some things with the SUV. Jayden is moving so fast. And he is so cute. I love getting to watch my nephew grow up. And J2 are such an encouraging couple.
And did I mention I got to go to church on Wednesday? It was awesome and so much to ponder. He shared about Gal 5 about the acts of sins listed vs the fruits of the spirit that reveal the attitudes of the heart. And interestingly enough one of his points was a word of caution that we can all have problems with our actions. But the big caution is to be aware that the actions are easy to clean up. The attitudes of our heart are much more dangerous and more important to correct. Although he did caution that sins of action are often related to bad relationship choices. And he specifically cautioned us about II Cor 7 and not be yoked to the wrong things or people in life -- whether its friends, or a male/female relationship. He cautioned us not to marry projects hope that they will change. And not to fall back into wrong relationships that God has brought us out of. And to guard our hearts for out of it springs the well of life. And specifically cautioned women not to spill their lives over a cup of coffee. That in our desperation for companionship we often open ourselves up to others allowing them to have opportunity to use us or manipulate us or just have improper authority to speak into our lives. -- All stuff I needed to hear.
Later I got to go to Salsa. It was so much fun. I had my new Salsa dancing shoes to try out. Turns were so much easier. I had so much fun. I really appreciate how the guys do ask you to dance. There are a lot of really good male dancers who know how to lead. I was successful for the first time with double and triple spins with me new shoes. YEAH... I love spinning. :) And I really appreciate dancing with someone who leads smoothly. I still need to work on my bachata and meringue. What is it with my white girl stiff moves that can't get those hip movements? But each week I learn more and more and appreciate those who try to teach me new things and I am going to keep learning. That's one of the things I love about dancing.
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