Happy Mother's Day -- thanks goes out to all those Moms who gave birth, fed, clothed and nurtured their children along the way. We all appreciate it.
I spent the weekend driving to Virginia and getting a sneak peak at parenting a newborn again. This time I got to do the night feedings and give the new Mom & Dad a few extra hours of well earned sleep. Since he takes the bottle like a champ it wasn't bad but I can see how night after night for a while would be exhausting. Check out the new pics
I also got a chance to watch Nicia play soccer for her green team--- Go Nicia!! They tied the blue team, but with a great coach they are all learning alot. Special thanks to Eric the coach who does a great job and for his additional love he pours out. I also got to run by the book fair and then visit the original Whitcomb family for a while and taught Nicia some additional note taking & investigative skills with a few rounds of the game Clue.
Then I took Tim and Lindsay out for dinner to celebrate their Mother's Day and his Birthday. YEAH for special occasions.
And I ran into a couple that I knew from my clinical position at UVA. Their son had a miraculous healing last Christmas from a brain aneurysm and it was great to catch up with them and hear things are still well with him. God is good!
Today I went to Alethia and saw some old faces and had awesome worship. Graham (someone new since I left) did a great job with worship. I love their style of worship and could participate in it all day. We listened as Pastor D shared from Timothy about the importance of having prayer, theology, male involvement and woman's involvement. He talked about the importance in woman allowing men to feel like church is their environment too to keep them drawn and to be careful of not allowing womans ability to administer or verbally lead to detract from the environment. A testy discussion for anyone to teach on. I did find his point that men have visual weakness while women have verbal weaknesses a good point to ponder.
After church I got to chat with some friends and hear about mutual friends as well. Congrats to Matt & Jenni on their upcoming birth. I got to see Amy & Jon's new son- Micah -- a cutie with tons of hair. That church has tons of babies being born! It's wild to see my generation bringing new life into the world and wonder how this new generation will develop -- what skills will they offer the world and how or who will serve God.
I pray a special blessing on the ones I visited with and the ones I missed. Lord-- protect them daily. Draw them into your presence with a new refreshing awareness of your strength and love. Help them to walk with You into their divine destinies and not fear them. Teach them to be obedient, lead them in truth and let them feel your guiding hand in their journey of life ahead of them. May they pursue you. Fill them with your joy during times of sorrow, your peace during times of trouble and your rest during times of storm and your contentment during times of want. And may we all meet again in heaven before you once again if not again here on this earth...
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