The best part was being together and creating memories.
I got to play games including twister and spoons in Virginia. Check out my previous blog.
In Philadelphia I learned a few tricks in Happy Feet, the game boy addition, with my youngest nephew Walker, as well as learned how creative my oldest nephew is. Stay away from Justin's personally illustrated encyclopedia of the weird -or one of those monsters will get you. And learn that I am a bad driver especially of remote control cars per my middle nephew Josh. And of SUVs in city traffic, per my brother who swears a man jumped back on the curved sidewalk as I reverted into Boston type driving while getting through a mess of Black Friday traffic.
In Harrisburg I learned how to make gingerbread houses out of graham crackers. Mine was the mini sized house. (It suited me) While I think I succeeded at making a dog, my house left a lot to be desired, as did the adjourning dog house. I also got a chance to see cousins I haven't had much time with in ages. I got to check out missions trip pictures -- go Ryan and Jen. Get a ride in my cousin's Saturn -- and be reminded that it gets 38 miles per gal compared to my 20-21 miles per gal SUV. Thankfully he didn't give me the math on the amount of money I lost during that trip in my vehicle. A peek at his fill up at the pump cost vs mine was enough. :P Be teased with Heather's announcement -- o yeah its her birthday -- thats right. Happy Birthday Heather! Next year -- the big 30. Are we getting old....? Naah especially when you decide to revisit 27 a few times. Heather I highly recommend it. :)
On the road I learned how well my Mom is doing recovering from hip replacement surgery. Go Mom. I am so proud of you. I got to harrass dad about his projects and plans for retirement. I got to chat and just be with grandma.
Then back in the burg I got a chance to visit old ones from Alethia. God's blessing on you in your continued mission to reach the campuses. Thanks for the kind words and thoughts. And a chance to change clothes. Pick up gifts to be held til Christmas for me and for others. Return with a cool wagon from my brother to my sister. And I got to open my "Merry Birthday, Happy Christmas" present from Reatha, Rachel Mom & Dad -- a food dehydrator. (PS I am running my first load of apples I started this morning with it. I was so excited to try it. Thanks again guys.)
During my 6 hour return drive that turned into 7. I got caught up to speed on my soap opera -- Grey's Anatomy. Yeah. Got a chance to chat with Marissa, Aunt Debbie, Janelle, Charity, Lindsay& Rachel. Some for hours others for a few minutes. It was great. Thanks for all my chatty friends and family that kept me awake on the way back. And another thanks to God for not allowing that tractor trailer to catch fire on my side of 81 near Wytheville. In fact I saw traffic backed up for about 15 miles at a dead stop as they had both lanes clased to deal with it. And today learned there was a multi-car pile up as a result of the truck on the on ramp behind that truck. Thanks God for making my way safe, rain free and for the most part (besides the Staunton through Roanoke/VA tech region of 81) speedy home.
And last I learned... It was nice to sleep in my own bed again. Thank you Lord for warm and comfortable and quiet beds. Hope your holidays were as blessed as mine. See some pictures below

I am thankful for a warm, quiet home. Unlike this poor family of birds who built a nest on a diesel sign at a Sheet's store. Destined to deal with loud noises, horrible fumes and not a nice worm in site. Destined to feed off the trash of others.

Ever heard of what goes around comes around? It came back around on me as my nephew Justin returned my earlier bunny ears approach to pictures

And you thought you were hungry? This 5 yr old put us all to shame...

Both in the eating catagory as well as the push ups -- one-handed variety mind you...

My sad, first attempt at gingerbread houses. But the dog is cute. :)

Chillin with the mother to be.
Check out the web album for further thanksgiving pictures posted.
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