Over the last few days I have caught up on time playing Games. I learned a fun one -- "boxers or briefs"-- a great one to play with friends you already know. And the old classic "twister" and"spoons" were on the agenda. Twister is an interesting game with two friends that are 6 feet or close to it and I am only five feet. I held my own for a couple spins but fell over repeatedly, but not before doing and impressive swing of my foot over the body and head of another player to get the last remaining circle (mind you this guy is 6 foot tall). The laughing alone almost wiped me out on that move.
In spoons, I held out with only getting "s" in spoons with seven players until the final face off with my speedy friend Lindsay who entered that final face off with "spoo" I thought it would be an easy win. She had slacked off during the game-- probably as intentional bait. She whips me each time I've played her. But this time I figured it was a no brainer. Luck had to be on my side at least once in four rounds, boy was I mistaken. She whipped me with 4 straight rounds of getting a set of four cards first and grabbing the spoon therefore winning the spoon finale.
I also got to watch Nicia play basketball in the local league. She played hard and dribbled well. She is so fast and has improved in her dribbling skills by leaps and bounds from last year. Go green!!
I had a blast playing Thanksgiving through. Although I did burn the gravy -- sorry guys. I'll practice more for next year. Thanksgiving meal was delicious. Thanks for hosting and inviting me to come be a part of it with you Whitcomb family!
--- 3 States traveled through 3 more states to go tomorrow. I can't wait to see my nephews and family. Mom's doing so well working hard to recover from surgery. And I am hand delivering a copy of some home videos of her new grandson.
Here are few shots of the day

A game of spoons... (Nicia's running around blinding everyone with the camera. Guess who is not winning)

A game of twister after I fell out...

Dad listening to the guys impromptu jam session.

And you thought your babysitter looked a bit hairy....
I kicked your Butt in spoons!! Whoohoo!!
Tim and I are taking guesses of what the baby's name will be on our blog.
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