I have a new front door! My Christmas present to myself. And it opens the opposite way -- a much more inviting way. (And will be better for airflow if I put up a screen door in the summer.) Trevor came over and had to saw into some of the logs to get it in. Apparently they had sawed off the bottom of the last door to make it fit. One more reason it was probably leaking air around it. It now looks like a front door instead of a back door. It is white with an oval window. I now am motivated to paint the other windows and doors another color than that ugly mustard yellow -- unfortunatly its cold and rainy and will be delayed probably until spring. I also got a basement door that locks securely and opens properly. Hopefully no more leaking down there.
I also went out in the pouring rain yesterday in search of a tree. Luckily Lowe's had one I liked and I didn't have to wander the countryside in search of Christmas tree farms. Although that is a favorite memory making experience, I enjoyed only being drenched from the mid thigh down (I had planned enough to grab my oversized raincoat.) I was able to fit it inside the SUV instead of slipping around and getting drenched further trying to tie it to the roof. I took Dassah with me who still has not released the concept of car chasing while in the car. So I had a ringing in the right ear from her deafening barks and a sore arm from blocking her from jumping at me despite her seatbelt.
I love the smell of cedar in the house. This is the smell of Christmas. I also have my food dehydrating some lemons, limes and oranges to hang on the tree and it smells like citrus in the house too. Another year has come and almost gone and more memories to store. Thank you God for your blessings of this new house and new location. May God bless you all with His love and protection during your holiday plans.
I also went out in the pouring rain yesterday in search of a tree. Luckily Lowe's had one I liked and I didn't have to wander the countryside in search of Christmas tree farms. Although that is a favorite memory making experience, I enjoyed only being drenched from the mid thigh down (I had planned enough to grab my oversized raincoat.) I was able to fit it inside the SUV instead of slipping around and getting drenched further trying to tie it to the roof. I took Dassah with me who still has not released the concept of car chasing while in the car. So I had a ringing in the right ear from her deafening barks and a sore arm from blocking her from jumping at me despite her seatbelt.
I love the smell of cedar in the house. This is the smell of Christmas. I also have my food dehydrating some lemons, limes and oranges to hang on the tree and it smells like citrus in the house too. Another year has come and almost gone and more memories to store. Thank you God for your blessings of this new house and new location. May God bless you all with His love and protection during your holiday plans.
1 comment:
You will need to take pictures of your tree when it is all decorated. Tim and I most likely will not be able to make it down there while you have it up.
Also take a picture of the new front door. I am sure it looks great.
Tim and I are going to out to search for a Christmas tree this weekend. We are also going to decorate a house for the first time!! Yay!!
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