Thursday, August 20, 2009

What was your focus today...?

So I have to admit. I've spent the last four days reading the first three books in the Twilight series...what can I say... I'm a romantic with a love of sci-fi why wouldn't I end up reading it? But I gotta say these books are big and I was letting it consume all my time while dishes sat in dishwasher, laundry sat in the hamper, and mail piled up. Its just a few days I thought and with an eye infection I should't go out until I've been on antibiotics for 24 hours. I had fun but I realized I had lost focus and spent some time cleaning and restoring order to my place and getting back in touch with my priorities and time with God and was checking some email and this came up... I modified it a little

Work as if it was your first day.
Live as if it was your last day.
Forgive as soon as possible.
Accept God's love beyond our understanding.
Love without boundaries.
Laugh without control.
Dance without end
and never stop smiling

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