Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Kiawah Island CME trip

I went to Kiawah Island this weekend through Tuesday. Most days were spent listening to dull lectures. Friday through part of the day Monday it rained -hard. I tried to go to salsa under the stars in Charleston twice but the rain stopped it both nights. I was able to make a phone connection with Yaennette in Charleston and find their Friday evening dance but found it slow to a visitor. Saturday night Adalia and I hit Harbor Grill for dancing but it was slow getting started after a wedding and only stayed for a while and had fun memories trying to drive/float back through flooded roads to the island for a few hours of rest before getting up for more conference lectures. I did get one afternoon and evening without rain to hit the beach and found some beautiful nature spots along the way and later watched the sunset....

Here is a link to the video if its not working... click here

and a few sunset pics are HERE

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