Here are some pics from a two weeks ago. I can't believe how difficult it is to get a toddler and an infant in one pictures.
This weekend I spent a night out with the girls then went up to Hendersonville for Saturday to get some work done.
Ownership now also includes manhandling large half broken limbs out of tall trees onto the roof top. Followed by rolling it (since its too heavy and bulky to pick up)off the roof. Then one must remove it from sight and since I don't own a chainsaw (half from fear of injury to my own limbs -- after fixing many limbs from the same self induced injuries and half because then its one more piece of equipment for me to try to maintain) ((and I mean try as I seem to fail more than to suceed at the maintaining part)) -can you put an aside inside another aside? Continuing on... I then had to drag said limb 20 feet into the woods. An easier task on superficial statement... problem is.. the limbs catch on all the underbrush which required tramping through briary underbrush in shorts to lift pieces free to drag it further into the woods. Some times my noisy smoke smelled apartment is easier (even when you observe cops breaking up females fighting in the parking lot from time to time).
I got a chance to hang out with the Foskey family. They are growing up so quickly... It was fun hanging out with everyone and playing on a trampoline.
Then I went salsa dancing late Saturday after eating a fresh strawberry pie (made from melt on your tongue strawberries from my garden) with the Wilder family.
Only to make it home 4 hours before having to make it up for church to dance. And worship was amazing on Sunday. God is doing some amazing things. Can't wait to know what he was working on freeing up... I realized the last chapter in my life was on Identity. I believe this next stage of my life is going to include vision and purpose....
Gotta run -- salsa calls
1 comment:
Sounds like you have been keeping busy! Can't wait for the beach we are going to have so much fun!
Love the pictures of your niece and nephew!
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