So the pastor talked about something Sunday. It struck me then, and tonight I took time to go back over it. I needed to reread it and let it sink in further. He challenged us to "develop the art of delayed gratification". That is a weakness of mine... and I dare say its a weakness of my generation. He challenged us to learn to delay gratification for the proper time. (reading from my notes) --a quote that struck me specifically was "Don't eat today what God has planned for tomorrow" -- "do it right, now, so that you don't have to re do it/ fix it later". So often I don't keep that in mind. I see a piece of clothing and want it now -- put it on credit. I see a piece of chocolate -- it sounds good to me. The examples abound, but do I take a moment to try and practice patience or self control -- not often...
He challenged us to have more self control and diligence. He particularly identified that diligence is something you do every day for a long time. He went on to share some vs that confirm God's desire to see these things to develop. And he shared that often God blesses us for our diligence -- you don't get blessed for quitting. That message hit me on so many levels... I wanted to share it with others and let it encourage others out there...
Part 2
Recently my aunt sent me a fun scuba diving map. She challenged/encouraged me to dream of having a dream vacation --scuba trip to Maui Hawaia in the future. A dream.... why is it that I don't easily allow myself to dream of big dreams. Am I too much of a realist to allow myself to have big dreams? But tonight I was challenged to dream big and expect God to bless me with special times, places, people and moments to refresh and encourage and surprise me. And then it struck me...
Part of dreaming big dreams -- delayed gratification. (My weakness). To dream big or have faith or expect big things... AND... be willing to wait for it to happen.
The bible is full of delayed blessings... the land of Isreal to the slaves -only after 40 years in the desert, Jonah's release from the belly of the fish -- after three days in the cramped dark claustraphobic area (imagine falling asleep only to awaken wandering "what is that thing swishing past your leg?"), Joseph being raised to second in command after years of being a slave and being imprisoned, Esther became a queen after being orphaned and raised by her cousin Mordecai.
So this week even when I fail I am going to retry at diligence and self control and dreaming big and wait to see what God has in store for me...