Okay, so I didn't take my good camera to Orlando Salsa Congress. This weekend was to throw myself into Salsa -absorb as much as possible and leave all the stress of day to day life -- at home... And get away. Ah you gotta love it... Its just hard to blog all the fun moments afterwards. How do you put into words the thrill of getting down a routine, of learning a new lead or of spinning so many times you loose count on the floor, or the feeling of floating like a beautiful princess with one guys lead and change it up with the next lead who teases you into showing everything you've got.
And the fun part of salsa conventions -- you meet people from all over -- the US and outside the US -Romanian, Hungarian, Italian etc.
--- Special shout out out to Kansas City-- Lauren -- you were so open and friendly-- it was great fun hanging out in the classes and getting pointers from a styling Salsera who is newer than me, but could easily put my shines to shame... It was great meeting you. You go girl!!!
-- A second shout out to the amazing instructors -- thanks for breaking down the routines and giving so many different ones. All the little pointers about leads was great. And the moments of humor to break up the fatigue were well appreciated. As was the laughing at my own inadequacies at times. -- sorry to the guys I hit with my elbow. And laughing about others inadequacies -- my big toe felt its own retribution, when one guy backed up on me in class and the mutliple hits to the top of my head during complicated cross body leads.
-- A third shout out to the great male dancers who were way above my league and made me smile, flirt, laugh and spin controllably with delight. Its great to get out of town and meet new friends.
-- And finally a fun shout out to the friendly crowd from home -- it was nice hanging out chatting with people and getting to know more about you.
And for those who have never gone to a salsa congress -- its a weekend packed with classes all day and social dancing at night into the wee hours of the next morning (usually around 3 am)only to get up the next morning to start all over.
This year was nice to have our share of restaurants across the street -- I got to go to a BB King Bar/ Restaurant and listen to a live blues band one night and got to listen to and participate in a traditional "Opa" Greek dance and watch a belly dancer routine who was also a fire eater. All around entertainment every which direction. And even a few minutes to put my feet in the spa jets of the pool to soothing my throbbing feet.-- Orlando provides a great packed weekend.
... One video from class -- most instructors asked us not to put it on the internet and I will respect that --but this instructor from Kissimee Florida didn't care -- he does it for the fun of salsa. Here is a clip of a laid back routine he taught us.