So the New Year... 2007.
Eleven days into my fast from chocolate. Attempting a 37 day fast from chocolate. Pray for the will power. So far I've been blessed with enough :) (Go God! Cause if you know me, you know I love chocolate.) Josie challenged me to 37 instead of a month because its one tenth of a year. A good tithe to God as well as a good way to be learn self control as I try to get back into shape. It's nice to have people who can challenge you physically as well as spiritually. If you can remember pray for continued perserverence and for me to get my butt into the gym more often during this time.
God has already blessed this with more awareness of His presence and challenging me to spend some time in the word. Something I have been struggling to do over the last few months. I hope He will start revealing more of His plans for my future because I need His guidance more than ever right now...
After recovering from the flu over the last day and a half I made my way to Asheville. I bought a hood and some gloves for my scuba trip and priced out some further equipment. Ahh why do some of the fun things cost so much?
I got to explore Asheville after checking out the scuba shop. It really is eclectic. A art exhibit with pictures costing about 2 grand is within a block of Mass General. It is within a few blocks of a store that sells odds and ends including the belt with bells used for belly dancing, followed by a store that sells paper star lights.... Truly an interesting bizzare place. At least I found some interesting resturants and after wandering aimlessly exploring was able to relocate my car twice. And arrived home to study for an hour and watch Grays Anatomy. I know its a hopeless medical soap opera but when you make a heroine snore so loud her boyfriend can't stand it--- it makes me laugh. Have a good laugh today with me.
And check out my nephew laughing with me. He's such a charmer.

1 comment:
Good job on the fast! I too am trying to exercise and get in shape. My legs are complaining about it right now but it hurts so good.
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