Friday, October 20, 2006

My nephew

Jayden Isaiah Wilder born 10/19/2006 at 5:25 weighing 8.4lbs has arrived. He is so beautiful and sweet natured. Check out the following link for further pictures:

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Hey K,

What an adorable little nephew you have. The pictures turned out well. I hope things are going well for Jayden, Janelle, and Josie! They are in Tim and I's thoughts and prayers.

To add a link to the blog be in the edit view of the blog or create a new blog. Select the text you want to make a link. Such as "Click Here." Then click the icon that looks like a little green globe and has a little white link (like a metal chain link) on top of it. A box will then pop up. In that box paste in the link to your picasa web album for Jayden. Here it is: