This picture is from a random moment stopped to enjoy the beauty of color last week. I just had to show you the glory of God that I got a chance to enjoy.
This was my first taste of sweet potatoe pie, made by Myrana, everyone liked it...
My holiday feast provided and shared with co-workers.
I experienced my first Thanksgiving in the Carolinas.
Last year I did the road marathon to visit friends & family in VA, MD & PA which was wonderful, busy and the first time I've participated in so many Thanksgiving meals in one extended weekend.
This year I took my turn, on duty in the ED. It was steady for the first half of the day but slow in the afternoon.
Our charge nurse got organized and had everyone sign up to bring in different food to have a holiday meal here. He made turkey and sliced it up nicely for everyone. At his request I cooked ham and made a pumpkin pie. (Side note: Let me tell you -- those plastic baking bags that you can cook a turkey in -- they work well for throwing a ham in and baking it. I was able to throw the ham in the oven and go back to sleep for another hour. :) A great thing since I got off late last night and then went to the gym and got home around midnight & had trouble falling asleep last night.)
We had a variety of foods -- turkey, spiral sliced ham, mac&cheese, mashed potatoes, greenbean casserole, fruit tray, bread, italian wedding soup, cranberry sauce, and for desert pumpkin pie, sweet potatoe pie and a bundt cake.
I have never eaten sweet potatoe pie before. I think it tends to be a tradition of the south. Recently I was talking with someone who said that sweet potatoes pies and casseroles were a must have tradition as part of the southern Thanksgiving. I tried a piece and it was fabulous --It was very moist and lots of the same flavors of pumpkin pie. And I had to laugh that it was one of our registration girls, Myrana who made it for us. She moved from Ecuador last year and knows how to make this southern dish already and I don't. She did an excellent job so I asked a few questions.
Now I can say I have experienced a traditional southern/ Carolina Thanksgiving -- sweet potatoe pie and all...
I pray God blessed you all with special moments and good food today & safe traveling for all those on the roads and in the air.