My thoughts and prayers go out to those involved in the VA Tech Events. I pray that God will touch and protect the hearts of those who survived. I pray that He minister to the hearts of the families of all affected directly and indirectly. And that He lift them up with His strength to get through the process of continuing to live. I pray those that are not close to Him be drawn to Him. And Lord we ask for You to minister to them through Your Holy Spirit to touch and fulfill their deepest intimate needs in ways that only you can. We cry out for Your protection and Your understanding to comprehend the tragedy of so many lives cut short so early. We ask that You turn this tradgedy for good. We thank you for Your protection in our lives and that we have another day to thank you and live for you. Help us to recognize this gift for what it is. Guide us to see You and follow You in more obedient and honouring ways as witnesses to this event. And let Your love pour out on Your children.
A special prayer for Gil & Nell Marie who are recovering at home from this. Lord lift them up with Your strength daily and give them the resources they need in the upcoming months. Let Your love shine in their lives and continue to minister to them giving them rest,comfort, peace, and a strong tower to retreat to during this time.